11 ~ 𝙜𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮

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The next three days were torture. The Gladers worked all day, trying their best to replace what we'd had before the Griever attack. Even the Runners helped out after they got back from their daily run.

Because of my ribs, I was always in pain or discomfort. There wasn't anything anyone could do to change that, but I pushed through.

To make matters worse, Gally's screams were audible no matter where you went to get away from them. They were horrible screams; the bloodcurdling kind.

Since the med hut was still destroyed, Gally had been put in the Slammer, which was the Glade's version of jail. Alby had decided that it was the safest place for him at the moment. One of my jobs was to bring Gally glasses of water a few times a day.

At the moment, I was walking around the Gardens, watering the newly planted seeds, unable to do anything else because of the pain.

"Lottie, take these to Gally." I look up to see Alby marching towards me with three glasses of water in his hand, filled to the brim. I set down the hose and took the glasses, and then walked over to the Slammer.

I untied the rope that held the door in place, and stepped inside. It was dark, since there weren't any windows. I had to squint to see Gally's body, which had been strapped to a cot in the back of the cell.

I moved slowly towards him, balancing the water carefully in my hands. Gally suddenly let out a long scream, startling me so that I nearly dropped the water.

"Sometimes I wish you would just shut up," I muttered to Gally, and began dripping the water into his slightly open mouth.

When I was on the second glass, Gally coughed. I immediately put the glass down and stared at him. He fidgeted a little, and then his eyes opened.

"Gally!" I said in delight. The Med-jacks had said that the Changing would take three days, but today was only the second day, so I was surprised to see him awake.

Gally was looking around groggily, his eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. Then, he looked at my face. I saw recognition there, before complete and utter hate. I stumbled backwards with uncertainty.

"Gally? Are you alright?"

He opened his chapped lips and whispered, "You..."

"Um... can you remember me?" I stuttered, feeling very stupid. Why wouldn't he remember me? He was the one who saved me!

"You!" Gally screamed this time, making me jump a few feet away from his cot. "It was you! It was you! I'll kill you!"

I backed away so much that my back hit the opposite wall. Kill me? "Gally, what are you saying?"

He was thrashing about, trying to free himself from his restraints. He kept screaming the same thing: "IT WAS YOU, IT WAS YOU, IT WAS YOU!"

I stood against the wall, watching him with wide eyes. I should be running for help, but I couldn't bring myself to move.

Finally, the ropes around his wrists and ankles snapped, and he was free. He sat bolt upright, and stopped screaming for a moment, as if in surprise. He soon got over it, and leapt from the cot.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" He screeched, and lunged for me, his hands locking around my throat. I gave a surprised gasp, and my head smacked into the wall behind me. Instinctively, my knee jutted out, sinking into his stomach. He grunted, and his hands left my neck.

I took this chance to dash away from the wall and over to the door, but before I could make it, I felt Gally tug at the back of my shirt. I stumbled, and was slammed back against the wall. Gally went for my throat again, squeezing hard. I choked, and tried to pry his fingers off, but it was no use. Gally was a Builder; his hands were most likely the strongest part of him.

𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 - 𝘔𝘈𝘡𝘌 𝘙𝘜𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘙Where stories live. Discover now