Chapter 1

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"Yawn" His eyes slowly opened to a bright light peirceing through the windows. He got out of bed and slipped into his everyday clothes, beige shorts a brown belt and green top, then ran down his stairs to be greeted by a knock on his front door.

He swiftly opened the door and came face to face with an old enutrof that he didn't recognise. "Excuse me, who are you."

"I'm an old friend of your fathers my names Navat" He replied. After a long pause he said "You are his son Kit right."

"Uhh ye" Kit mumbled "if your looking for my dad... he's out on buisness."

"Oh! When is he gonna get back" Navat asked.

"Sometime today." Kit said "I'm not sure exactly when though". "In the mean time you can always come in and wait for him."

"Thank you very much. I'll take you up on that offer my legs are aching" Navat then steped inside and settled down into the armchair in front of the fireplace.

"I'm going to make some breakfast if you want some" Kit shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes please" Navat shouted back. His eyes lit up at the idea of a free breakfast.

After ten minutes Kit came in and layed down two stacks of pancakes on the table. Both him and Navat sat down and started to eat. Navat took it upon himself to explain how he knew Kits farther and the first time he met Kit.

As Navat was finishing his story, Kit finished his pancakes. "I'll go wash the plates," Kit said.

Navat went and sat back down on the armchair and closed his eyes. He started to drift of into a sleep, but he heard a footstep. He opened his eyes expecting to see Kit. But the room was empty.

Then out of the shadows it pounced....

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