Chapter 2

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A cloaked figure launched from the shadows, knife drawn, and stabbed the armchair, barely missing Navat as he dived out of the way.

The armchair split in two and the mysterious person readied himself for another attack. Navat quickly grabbed his shovel which had been flung to the ground.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Kit heard the commotion. "That doesn't sound good." He walked out of the kitchen.

The mystery foe suddenly jumped backwards in a lightning fast reaction dodgeing Navat's first strike.

He responded to this strike by throwing his knife at full force heading for Navat.

A green flash appeared infront of Navat and the knife was gone. The cloaked figure look over to see a small boy with glowing green hands.

Another green light and the boy had vanished suddenly reappearing above  the mysterious person and sending a kick his way.

The kick connected and sent the attacker flying off and crashing into a coffee table.

His cloak had fallen off revealing a male sram underneath. He was wearing a skeletal mask over his face so he was unidentifiable.

The sram quickly waved his hand casting a spell and disappeared.

"He has turned invisible, but he's still in the building. Be careful." Navat exclaimed.

They both stared around waiting for something to happen. Kit felt a tug as the sram appeared and easily picked Kit up and then slammed him into the ground.

Navat immediately reacted, and charged forward grabbing the sram before he go turn invisible again. Once Navat had hold of the sram he threw the sram straight into the door breaking it into a hundred peices and flinging his foe outside.

The sram tried to recover his senses before the enutrof got to him. Navat ran forward swinging at the sram, who countered with ease and kicked Navat away. The sram got up, ready to finish the job.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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