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The train ride home was fun, at least for the others, I laughed and joked along but I never really felt happy. I was worried about Mattheo. He was acting really weird and distant from me lately. I was worried. About him and our relationship. I missed him. A lot.

I couldn't help but think about him the whole evening, the entire night. The next day through all my classes, extending into the week, and the month.

Where was he? Was he okay? I cried myself to sleep most nights, missing his touch. I cried until my eyes were red and puffy and I couldn't cry anymore.

I put on a smile for my friends of course, I couldn't let them see me like this. I couldn't let them know all of this weight I constantly carry around on my shoulders.

As more and more nights passed I could feel myself becoming depressed without him there.

Until I finally decided.

I was better off without him.

I let it all go.

We were nothing anymore.

At least to me.


Into February I was focusing more on my task and less of Mattheo, he left me worried sick, he didn't deserve my respect or time, let alone my love.

By this time I had already figured out my plan, I had spent enough time waiting for everyone thinking I'm normal, observing Dumbledores every move to get a idea of where he would be at every hour, it was go time.

After classes I met up with Isla to get ready and tell her what to do, nothing could go wrong with my careful planning.

We waited until midnight and then the plan started, "Ready?" I asked Isla one last time before we left the common room. "Ready as I'll ever be," she said hushed, I smiled and then we left.

Silently we made our way to Dumbledores office, he always left his wand in his office at night in a hidden cupboard.

We approached the big Phoenix statue that stayed outside of Dumbledores office, Isla and I shared a glance then continued.

"Sherbet Lemon," I whispered. Slowly the Phoenix turned revealing a winding staircase that led to his office. We climbed the stairs and creaked open the door and entered.

We looked around the dark quiet room, "Accio elder wand," I spoke. Nothing happened. "Well I guess we have to do it the hard way," I looked at Isla and she gave me a "We should hurry" look, I nodded my head and we started rustling through drawers and shelves.

I searched through his desk frantically but finally gave up when I had looked through the last drawer. I sighed in defeat and slumped down in the chair behind me, staring at the room before me.

Isla came over and put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me, I appreciated it. I looked at Isla and was about to say something when I saw something in my peripheral vision.

I looked at the edge of the desk and ran my finger alongside it, the wood was uneven. I pressed down small piece that was slightly sticking out and heard a click closely followed by the sound of a drawer opening on the side of  the desk.

Isla and I looked at each other then the drawer and looked inside. There before us was the elder wand, I picked it up and tucked it away safely then headed for the exit with Isla.

As we approached the door we heard somebody walking up the steps. We exchanged a worried glance then quickly hid in the closest thing we could find, a small broom cupboard.

We just closed the door in time when the entrance door opened and rushed footsteps graced the room. My heart was beating fast and I couldn't keep the thought that we were about to get caught out of my head.

I cracked the door of the cupboard about an inch to try and see who it was, it was a tall figure, probably at least 6"0 ft.

The first thing they went to was the desk where they had only been moments earlier. The figure pressed the same button they had and the small empty drawer opened.

The figure cursed under their breath and closed the drawer, they stood there for a second then hastily exited the room.

Isla and I waited a minute before leaving the cupboard. "Who the bloody hell was that?" Isla asked me, "I don't know but whoever it was they came here the same reason we did," and I gestured to the wand, "Anyways let's just get out of here before anything else happens," Isla nodded and I took out my wand and apparated us to the Malfoy manor.

Isla waited outside and I opened the great doors that led into the meeting room, I heard people talking before we entered but I didn't care, as soon as the doors opened the voices went quiet and all eyes were on me.

I walked along the table my feet colliding with the floor loudly with each step, "Y/n," Voldemort said, "Why the sudden visit?" And gestured to a chair to sit down in as I neared him.

I stayed standing and continued "My lord, I assure you, you wouldn't want to miss this." I said as the rest of the room looked puzzled and Voldemort intrigued. "I'm sure you will be very pleased with me," and I reached to my side to get the wand.

I took it out and there was an audible gasp and Voldemort's eyes widened. I looked around the room to see everyone's shock but instead made eye contact with a familiar pair of eyes. The deep brown eyes that had once hypnotized me at night, Mattheo.

He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes and looked back at Voldemort. "Everyone leave!" He ordered and there was a loud shuffling of chairs and feet quickly followed by the opening and closing of the pair of doors.

The only people that remained in the room were myself, Voldemort and Mattheo.

Voldemort ran his fingers along the bumps of the wand then grasped it in his right hand. "You have done well y/n," he spoke mesmerized by the wand.

He looked at me "Hold out your arm," he told me and I did as he asked. I held out my left arm and he took it in his hand, he took his wand in the other hand and started saying something in parsle tongue, he started drawing in the air about an inch above my arm and a few seconds later black ink spread across my forearm in the shape of a skull with a snake coming out of it.

After a minutes he raised his wand and said a final word in parsle tongue and the drawing came to life. "There you are my lovely, for your hard work and dedication," Voldemort said with a sly smile. I gave a smile back, bowed my head to him then left the room.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter and I would just like to let you know that when Voldemort gives you the dark mark that is just how I imagined how it would be not however they do it in Harry Potter anyways I will try and write more now that I have a little bit more free time, bye!

Pureblood - Mattheo Riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now