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That Night I stayed at the Malfoy Manor, It was the weekend and plus now that Dumbledores wand is gone it would be too hot for me at Hogwarts.

Isla went back to Hogwarts, she said that she was going to cover me in case there was any suspicion, she was a great friend.

I decided to go to bed about half an hour after I got the mark. Every time I looked at it I smiled, my mother and father would probably be so proud.

I slept soundly for the first 2-3 hours, but then I heard a noise in my room. I slowly reached for my dagger since my wand was out of reach and my wandless magic was becoming weak since I didn't use it as much.

I watched the figure as it walked closer to where I was sleeping, it started reaching down to caress my face with one hand.

I quickly grabbed and twisted its arm and moved my dagger to its throat in the same motion sitting up in the process.

As I did this I felt a sharp point lightly touch my stomach, it's other hand had a dagger in it. I looked down and saw the silver dagger that matched mine.

I looked back up and met the dark eyes of Mattheo, I moved my dagger closer to his throat, "What the fuck are you doing here Mattheo," I spit. " I'm just here to congratulate you on your success darling," he said and added a smirk, while his eyes moved from my angered gaze to my bra.

I grew more angry,"Cut the fucking shit Mattheo! You really think I would just come crawling back to you like nothing happened? Why the fuck are you here and don't give me one of your bullshit excuses!" I almost yelled the last part.

Mattheos lips curved into a frown and his eyes darkened, "y/n, if you talk to me like that again you're going to regret it..." he said softly.

I looked him dead in the eyes enraged, "Don't you fucking dare tell me what to do!" I said with every word stronger than the last.

As soon as I finished my sentence I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, my grip loosened on his arm and my hand with my dagger in it fell to my side.

Everything went into slow motion.

I held my stomach with both of my hands and looked down to see a crimson red on myself and my once white sheets.

I could hear my heart beating faster. My eyes travelled up to the man I once loved, the man who had just stabbed me.

I opened my mouth to speak but instead there was silence, I looked back up at Mattheo to see him standing only about a foot away.

A tear rolled down my cheek as he spoke. "I'm sorry y/n,.." he slowly backed away.

I tried to speak once again but the only words I could finally manage to get out was "Why Mattheo?" My voice was weak and shaking.

Mattheo looked back at me one final time, tears streaming down his face and he left.

I reached out my arm towards my wand, "A- Accio," I said with a deep breath and my wand flew into my hand.

I apparated to Hogwarts in Isla's dorm. She was woken by me tumbling to the floor. She quickly turned on a light, "Y/N!" She screamed. Pansy came running in and shrieked in horror when she saw me on the floor while Isla was holding me.

"We need to get her to Madam Pomfrey," Isla urged. A few seconds later Draco and Blaise ran in, "we heard yelling- Y/N!" Blaise said in shock. "Help us!" Pansy yelled at them and they quickly picked me up and rushed me to the hospital wing.

I was loosing blood fast...

It was getting hard to breathe...

Everything was becoming blurry...

I blacked out.

Pureblood - Mattheo Riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now