fifty five: the fear of loss

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Newt's POV:

Tagging along with Thomas to his training session was proving to be a good idea – as I'm now realising, I am completely fucked.

Watching Y/n and Thomas make their shots time and time again, turned into a massive wake up call that said if I didn't improve my aim immediately, I am going to die.

And, as I should have guessed but nevertheless hoped wouldn't happen, I couldn't improve in that time span. And then the next day rolled around.

I couldn't tell how Y/n was feeling, but, you never really can anyway.

Thomas seemed slightly anxious – his leg bounced up and down so consistently I thought it might snap in half.

Jorge had never looked so unresponsive. The man just stared off into the distance, probably at nothing in particular.

Brenda, however, looked irritated beyond recognition. She didn't seem pleased that we had to do this today, and she mostly appeared angry that no one had told her this was happening.

Vince looked like he may cry. I couldn't tell what it was – but I've never seen him like this. So upset and miserable.

I have a really awful feeling about this.

"Are you okay?"

I turned my head slowly, meeting Y/n's slightly concerned eyes.

She didn't appear frightened, or cautious of the situation. She seemed confused, almost.

Just the sight of her made me smile. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail, she was wearing my coat that I lent her and she's also wearing the boots I never see her without.

At least Y/n doesn't look like she may throw up.

"I'm fine, love. Are you?"

Her eyes lost the concern they held before slightly as she nodded.

"I'm okay. Just waiting for these idiots to get going. I don't understand the hold up." She shrugged, looking over her shoulder at Jorge.

"He looks distracted."

She was right. He did look distracted.

There had to be a reason for that – a reason for why Vince looked like he had been kissed by death but is somehow still walking among the living. And why Jorge looks like pitching himself off the cliff would be a better option than staying here.

"Y/n...what happened on that trip?"

She stilled, and broke our eye contact by looking down at her feet. There was something she hadn't mentioned, something that neither her or Thomas had brought up at the meeting.

Something they clearly didn't want to discuss.

"What do you mean? You know what happened, we went through it all when we returned."

Y/n still wasn't meeting my eyes. She was lying.

"Love, is there something you're not telling me?"

She feigned confusion. "We went through it all. I told you this. We know how Wicked are transporting the kids and maybe where they're going-"

"No, I know. You told us about that. I mean, is there anything you haven't told us? Anything happen that you haven't told me about?"

Y/n looked up at me then. She watched my eyes, searched my face for any anger or betrayal, and when she found nothing but sincerity, she spoke.

"There were a few complications when we arrived...and just before we left."

𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 {𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Where stories live. Discover now