sixty three: the boy who's too humble for his own good

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After Frypan had insisted on changing my bandages, I had begrudgingly agreed and allowed him to clean the wound that I'm completely certain is healed. Fry disagrees however, he still claims that although it may appear healed, it's still very sore and irritated.

The boy was very gentle, and I was rather appreciative of that – even when Gally burst through the door, Thomas and Newt hot on his heels, was he still gentle.

It was clear that Gally was furious, as he threw his jacket down on the table and spun on his heel to face Thomas. Clearly the trip hadn't gone too well.

"You can't make that kind of decision by yourself. You're not the King of England, Thomas, you're just a dickhead."

I managed to stifle my laugh, watching as Thomas scoffed and took off his coat as well. He hung it up on the stand, and came to a stop near where Brenda was sat.

"I'm not trying to make this decision alone, Gally. I'm just saying that your idea is stupid and I don't think it's a good plan." The boy responded, pulling out a chair for himself around the table.

Newt had made a beeline for Frypan and me, pulling up a chair next to me and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. He didn't seem to be as angry as Thomas and Gally – it was obvious they wanted to rip the other's throats out, Newt just looked slightly annoyed.

Brenda spoke from the other side of the table, cutting off whatever Gally was going to say. "Wait, what plan? What did you lot see?"

I turned to look at Newt, and I noticed his eyes on the floor, refusing to look at the others. But then I turned my head to Thomas, and realised he looked the exact same as Newt did: guilty.

Gally pulled up a stool also, swiveling it around to sit on it the other way. "We have a way to get into Wicked, but Thomas is refusing to even discuss the idea." The boy said, rolling his eyes and scoffing at Tom.

I felt my brows furrow. "What do you mean? Why not?"

Fry had finished up, tightened the bandage and joined the rest of us at the table. "Yeah, why are you so now against it, Thomas? It was your idea in the first place." He said, choosing the other seat beside me.

I watched as Tom deeply inhaled, clearly uncomfortable. Gally looked him up and down, obviously disgusted, and Newt kept his eyes downcast, playing with his fingers.

"It's Teresa. She's our way in."

Frypan's head flew to the side, throwing a look at me that says oh shit, as I stared at Tom.

I understood now, why Thomas was so uncomfortable with the idea. It was clear when he said her name – every syllable of the word made him want to shrivel into himself. The betrayal of their relationship left some sort of wound that had not healed yet, and that made sense to me.

"Are there not any others?" I asked, and watched as Gally shot me the dirtiest look I have ever seen.

"What do you mean, others? She is our only way in!" Gally hissed and I rolled my eyes at him.

The boy has been back for about an hour and I already want to kill him. Old habits die hard, I guess.

"There has to be another way, Gally. Anything but that." The boy pleaded. I felt bad for him, actually. He didn't ask for any of this – he didn't ask for Teresa to do what she did, or for Minho to be kidnapped as a result.

He's just trying to help.

Gally sighed through his nose. "Thomas, you know there isn't any other way in." This time, he looked sympathetic – not angry, instead, empathetic of the fact that Tom was the one to most likely be hurt with this plan.

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