A field trip

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A big family field trip.

Comte : Everyone is here? Everything you need is here? No one is left behind right?
*Checking the every seat in the bus*

Sebastian : *checking the foods and necessary needs* This food will be fine till tomorrow. *Arranging all the foods*

Leonardo : *sleeps on the back and the lastest seat* zzzzzzz.......

Arthur : *staring at the window with a grin* *imagining girls wearing bikini in the beach*

Theo : I am not ruining your imagination but we're not going on any beaches. *Seats beside with Arthur with a grumpy looks*

Vincent : I'm so excited to paint a lovely landscape, it's been a while since I painted a landscape.

Shakespeare : We will also star gazing Tonight, my friend. *Seats with Vincent

Mozart : seat with me here Jean, You can have the seat beside the window *bestie goal for the whole trip*

Jean : I have marorons here for us, I'll take that seat then. *With a serious face*

Mozart : Macarons you mean.

Napoleon : *the driver* we will be going now! *Starts driving*

*In the middle of driving feeling uneasy*

Dazai : I feel lonely.......

Dazai : wait.....

Napoleon : wait.....

Comte : wait......

Everyone : wait.....

In the Mansion:


*Snuggle in his bed with a bunch of books and mechanical tools beside him*

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