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Hello dear lovely readers!

I am sorry to say this that I might be in a very long hiatus that you can't imagine how long might be. I am focusing on my studies and set aside all the things that might distract me such as games, writing scenarios, FF, and blogs (yes I do blogs too!). I am preparing myself for the entrance exam for Accountancy and hopefully to pass so my father won't put me in a sack and hang me on the tree for three days.....

I don't also know if I may stay in Wattpad because after I graduated from High School. I will be in college which will make me very busy, then after that I will be preparing for the board exam and get a job with the help of the people around me, me parents, friends and of course God!

But that doesn't mean I am deleting my Wattpad, I'll still leave it on my phone no matter what happened but I will just block the notifications and that includes the games as well....

I really love writing so much because it helps me  relaxes and reduces my stress but right now I have to face reality and step out from my comfort zone.

I want to make up and change myself. I was never serious with my studies during high school and I was so amazed that I still manage to get A in school.

Me and my father had a great fight after I told him I am taking Education as my course but he went mad and told me to get Accountancy...of course I am not happy about it but it's my parents who pay for my school fees and my needs so I'll just follow what they wanted me to be because I know they know what's best for me.

I really love y'all, I really love how you guys appreciated my rotten scenarios. You guys motivated me so much, with the votes, comments and requests, I really wish there's two of me to take care of this scenarios of mine and you guys as well...

Love y'all and hopefully will be back on writing these scenarios in the near future!

Do your best everyone, make your parents proud and yourself and never forget that God is with you all... I love you all and God bless!

- Chezy Carmela Luna Ubanan Mindaro

IkemenVamp Scenarios (Book2)Where stories live. Discover now