Humanverse: Issac's world

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"We are here today for the first day of the World Championships! For those of you who are just tuning into this event, or for those of you who are joining us for the first time, welcome! For the next two weeks, the world will be united to have friendly competitions of dance, sports, and science!"

The camera pans over the large crowds, showing the different countries cheering, flags waving wildly in the air as people see the camera. The other news stations and international news stations can be seen as the camera gets a view of a building behind the reporters. The voices of other news reporters fill the area as people slowly make their way into the auditorium. Everyone is excited, placing bets and cheering for their countries, the World Championships are starting with dance. The camera makes its way back to the reporter standing there excitedly.

"In just a few minutes, we'll be heading inside to join Cassidy and watch the final contestants of this event! In the last Championships, the U.S.A. took home the gold in this event; however, Mexico seems to be confident in its dancers. Let's take a look at the competition." The screen fades into a picture of two friends dancing. Expressions of pure joy on both of them as they dance to a song unknown to everyone else. The pictures catch them as one dips the other. "From Mexico, we have a lovely pair of friends! They've been dancing for the entire time they've known each other. We have Evan, a 21-year-old who moved and became a citizen back when he was five." The screen focuses on the man dipping the other. His red glasses almost falling off his face, a bandage covering his tan cheek from a scratch by his cat. His curly brown hair, wild and pulled back."And his partner who goes by Isaac! A brother of Raven and Chris, who we will see later on in the coming weeks! Isaac is 21-years-old who is gone blind. However, he is determined to not let that stop-" The T.V. turns off as Nathan gets up. He turns to his brother Dylan and shares a look.

"Blind?" Nathan nods before smiling with Dylan. "Brother, we've got to see him dance." Dylan quickly puts his bow down as he straightens out his clothes. Nathan brushes his jet-black hair out of his face before turning towards the door. Taking some time to make sure he looks decent.

"Well, they do allow participants to open seats for every event. Let's go see if we can catch the last few dances. Ready?" Nathan looks over to see Dylan pull on a jacket before tying off his braid with a yellow hair tie before walking out the door.

"Yep, I'll meet you there, apple head." He chuckles at the nickname before sprinting towards the building. Nathan sputters before growling in embarrassment, hating how he has a scar on his cheek reminding him of the nickname.

"You were the one who put the apple on my head and tried to shoot at it!"

He rushes out the door, slamming it in the process as Dylan looks back. Blue eyes meet sky blue eyes as he realizes that he won't be able to outrun Nathan. He quickly pivots and runs at an angle before rushing into someone. They both go tumbling to the ground. Dylan groans, hoping the pain in his arm is only temporary. Nathan and Lucy come running towards them.

"Beau! This is why we watch where we're going!" Beau groans softly as he brings a hand to the back of his head. Strong pale hands lift Beau off the ground as hands dark as umber lift up Dylan.

"Dylan! What were you thinking?! You don't know this place very well!" Nathan looks up at Lucy. "So sorry for him. He gets excited easily." Lucy laughs as they extend a hand.

"I should say the same for Beau. Name's Lucy. You?" Nathan grabs their hand, noticing how soft it is, unlike his. He almost frowns before shaking it off.

"Nathan. This is Dylan. Nice to meet you." He looks around for a moment, realizing where they are or more rather how lost they are. "Can you help us for a moment? I don't know where the auditorium is here." Lucy's red lips curl into a smile.


"Oh! We're on our way there too! Come on." Lucy starts walking away, causing everyone to catch up with them. Their long dirty blonde hair catches the sunlight in a way that makes Dylan wish for blonde hair instead of the black hair he does have. "We would've been there in time for the first few dances if it wasn't for someone taking forever to get ready." Beau looks away from the green-eyed glare sent his way and sheepishly as he runs a hand through his light brown hair.

"Sorry." Lucy sighs exasperatedly.

"We'll be lucky to see the last dance at all." They start to jog ahead of the group before everyone else follows. "Come on!" Dylan laughs before following, just excited to burn more energy. Beau just chuckles before spotting someone else entering the auditorium.

"Hey, is that DJ?" He cups his hands over his mouth, weary of the cut on his lips. "DJ! Over here!" He runs past the group and towards a taller, sandy blonde. Dylan notes how pale he is compared to Lucy, maybe DJ doesn't leave his house very much? Beau smiles as he sees his friend. "Ey, what are you doing here?" DJ smiles as he slumps back against the door.

"Here for the spear-throwing event, but for now? Waiting on Keith and Henry. We wanted to see the first event. Or the last few dances." Beau's smile widens as Lucy looks between the two in confusion.

"Who?" Beau turns with a smile.

"Henry, you know him. He's the one who throws axes. Keith throws knives. They said they were planning to try out for the World Championships as well, remember?" Lucy thinks for a moment before their face scrunches together.

"You mean the guy who threw an ax and it almost hit me on the ice ring?" Beau's smile disappears and he frowns in confusion. "Tall, red-head, blind in one eye, pale-"

"I hope you mean handsome, charming, and hilarious." Henry sneaks up behind Lucy, scaring them. DJ smiles before giving him a handshake. "What's up Dust?" DJ smiles, the nickname reminding him of how they met.

"Nothing much man, did you bring Keith?" Henry frowns before shaking his head, showing the side buzzed haircut he has. DJ shrugs, "We still have time." Dylan looks at him in confusion at what the taller meant. "Oh, someone fell. Broke something in their leg or somethin' so we have to wait for a while."

"Oh. I hope they feel better." Nathan rolls his eyes at his brother. They don't know the person, so it's not their problem. He wishes his brother wasn't so kind to people they don't know. Lucy hums in agreement before looking up at Henry.

"Why'd you throw that ax at me a few months ago? You never explained it to me." Henry chuckles.

"I'm blind in one eye. What'd you expect? Perfect throws every time?" Lucy's face flushes in embarrassment as Henry laughs.

"Hey! I'm here!" Everyone turns to see a small pale boy gasping for air as he leans against the building. He stands up straight as he runs a hand through his thick curly mess of hair. "I'm here, now." Dylan quirks an eyebrow, it's not that common for a person under the age of 20 to join.

"Hey, kid. What's your name?" Henry, DJ, and Beau chuckle at Nathan's question as Keith's jaw drops in shock.

"Kid?! I'm not a kid!" He crosses his arms as he walks up to Nathan, looking up at him. "I am 20 years old if you must know!" Beau bursts into laughter at the surprise on Nathan's face before seeing Dylan's face change as well. Keith huffs as he attempts to straighten out his black hair. "I may be four foot ten, but I am still very much legal by now!" Henry chuckles before laying his arm over Keith's head.

"Aw, don't worry too much about it, Shorty."

Keith growls as he pushes Henry's arm off. He turns and stomps into the auditorium mumbling about Henry's good genes for height. As he walks, he passes by two people saying good luck to two others. He studies their outfits for a moment. The white dress with green and red ribbons lining the trim and wrapping around the smaller's waist gave it away. That was one of the dancers for Mexico, Isaac, or Evan. He watches them smile at the two others before walking in his direction. Keith doesn't mind before feeling someone bump into him.

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