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"If the bottle is full, you had to let it go.."

Walking around, feeling empty inside and out, everyone can feel that. The wind blows into the girls face, putting her hair back. Trying to stop the tears stream.

The girl lie down the grass, looking at the sky, thinking about everything and anything.
She didn't let him see her feeling helpless and weak, she didn't let anyone see her feeling sad, or bad. She wants for others to see that she's strong.

As the music starts, you'll see rachel walking towards an open door, as she was going in, the screen starts to glitch, seeing a guy and her happy, having fun. Having a matching bracelets.

The next clip, you will see rachel wearing a white polo shirt, walking down the road, raining. Her make-up being a mess, her tears steaming down her face, while walking slowly, she saw a car going towards her direction, And no, she didn't moved, even an inch. The next clip was them singing together, doesn't care if anyone can hear them.

The next clip, as the chorus starts, you'll see her wearing a white dress, she jumped inside the water, the camera focusing at her. The next clip was her drinking coffee peacefully, suddenly she looked at an old couple infront of her, feeding each other. She smiles, but hurt in the inside.

The next clip was her sleeping, sweating and being nervous, a clip of her and someone flashes back, seeing the two happy. Until she got woken up by a storm, she quickly got up and sat near the window, singing the lyrics, crying.

"I'm falling again.. I'm falling.."

The next clip was her and someone new, looking for some things, until she saw him, smiling happily with someone new.


𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐋 ; 𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗏𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now