- twenty nine -

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nearly half an hour had passed before yeosang heard anything, the boy in tears when he finally heard wooyoung's voice.

"sangie? are you in here?"


"come here... it's all okay now."

yeosang carefully made his way out of the stall, tears falling from his cheeks. the second he saw wooyoung, his jaw dropped and he practically ran over to inspect wooyoung's injuries.


"i'm okay, sangie... i'm okay. they were thrown out and told that if they tried to come back, the hospital would press charges."

"i-is san—?"

"he passed out... the second his dad laid a finger on me he got out of bed, and considering his head injury... he was not ready. i didn't see it but i think he ripped his iv out too when he came to try and help me. either way, he wasn't in the right condition to do anything like that and it caused him to pass out. the nurses took care of both of us and then asked me to leave while they performed a couple of tests to make sure he didn't fuck himself up."

"i-is j-jongho still s-safe?"

"he is. the nurse who let us peek our heads in went to check on him after i explained who had assaulted me."


"let's go back to san's room, okay? i wanna check on him and then see if we might be able to see jjong soon."

yeosang just nodded, feeling a bit queasy as he spent more and more time in the hospital. his hatred for the place was strong, especially since he had been going to see specialists in the hospital for himself and with his mother from a young age.

"c-can we go soon? f-for a little while?"


yeosang nodded, chewing his lip.

"of course. we can go get dinner or something if you want."

"o-okay," he whispered.

the two quietly walked back to san's room, where the boy was still passed out on the bed, a nurse checking his vitals.

"hey... how's he doing?" wooyoung asked.

"better. he needs to try and stay calm for the rest of the time he's here though... his blood pressure has been a bit sensitive and it's higher than it should be."

"alright... thank you. um... any word on when we'll be able to visit choi jongho?"

"per san's request... we're trying to get jongho stable enough to be moved into a room with san. until then, i'm not sure if you'll be able to at all. i know san is worried and wants some security around how his cousin is doing, however he has not been doing very well."

"can we get any details on him then? his injuries, anything?"

"he has severe head trauma and possible internal bleeding, and his right arm is broken in two places. as soon as we're confident on whether or not he has internal bleeding, we'll be able to get him into surgery to get his arm fixed up a bit and into a cast. there's also a bit of leg damage, but nothing is broken or badly sprained there. other than that, there's a lot of burns, bruises and a few deep cuts that needed stitching. he's very lucky though. the trajectory of the crash should have killed him on spot," the nurse explained.

yeosang tensed and wooyoung simply nodded, taking the older's hand.

"thank you for filling us in, ma'am."

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