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I'll try to start naming my chapters now. If I can't think of a name, I'll just write the chapter's number. Enjoy!

November 19

1400 hours

We were all standing side by side at the school gate, waiting for our transport to a military base.

When we all got here, Catherine explained that we would be flown to Yellowstone in a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, the fastest plane in the world. 

Since this was a world-ending threat, the United States of America were giving us access to all their resources. The directors of the Secret Service, FBI and Homeland were all informed of the current situation by President Stern himself. Their jobs were to get us to Yellowstone as fast as possible to retrieve the chemicals because we didn't know how long we had before the people who had stolen them would put them to use.

It was likely that they just needed the chemicals as a last ingredient to something that they made, which would give us at most, a day. Or more unlikely, they just took them to experiment with, which would give us a lot more time to retrieve them, but I was never that lucky.   

MI6 were also informed and they gave each of us a badge, that if shown to any people from MI6, they would be compelled to help us. 

I had ran to my room at top speed (which wasn't that fast) to pack after the debriefing. There wasn't much time, so I just took the bare essentials: a change of clothes, a box of matches, two water bottles, a flashlight, a walkie-talkie for communication, a few packets of nuts, and grudgingly, a handgun.

We had just stood there for around 3-5 minutes before a platoon of cars arrived in front of us. There were three cars in total and they all had tinted glass and were heavily armored. We got into the center car and we had barely just put on our seat belts before the driver floored it, kicking up dirt. 

The cars had sirens, which the agents turned on to get us through Washington DC's midday traffic. I felt like the President, passing red lights without a care in the world.

"So, what's the plan?" Mike said. The sound was like a bullet, cutting through the tense silence. 

"Well, the piece of dirt that we found is only in a certain part of Yellowstone National Park, so we won't have to scan the whole area for anything suspicious, just a quarter of it." Catherine answered. 

"That's still a pretty big area, if the government is already using their best resources for this mission, why can't they send out agents to scan the area manually?" Trixie asked.

"Because have hundreds of agents will alert the enemy that we're onto them and they'll try to extract the chemicals, then we'll lose our only lead. Plus, their are civilians there, if the public found out about it, there'll be world-wide panic and riots." Erica replied calmly. She seemed to have already gotten over her initial shock and returned to her usual composed self. 

"Oh." Trixie said.

We arrived at our destination and we jumped out of the car. The agents surrounded us as we made our way through the military base. All the soldiers stopped what they were doing and stared at us as we passed. Probably trying to figure out why a handful of teenagers were running through the base.

We got to the plane and it was already prepped and ready to fly. We went in and sat down on the seats. It was rather cramped inside the plane, as it was supposed to only be two pilots in this plane at one time.

After we got strapped in and the pilots double checked everything, we took off. 

Once we hit a cruising altitude of 80,000 feet, the pilots hit it and we reached super sonic speed within seconds. It was an experience that I would never like to feel again. Even inside the plane, it felt like my face was peeling off and the pressure increased on my chest, knocking the air out of me. 

The others didn't seem to be doing too well either. Mike and Trixie were holding hands, both their faces a light shade of green. Catherine and Erica looked just a little bit nauseous, most likely because sitting in a plane going at supersonic speeds was a new experience for both of them. It isn't something that you get to do everyday, even for Catherine, who has been on many missions.

What was supposed to be a 6-hour flight, became only a less than an hour one. I guess going faster than the speed of sound had it's perks.

We exited the plane a little wobbly on our feet. The flight really did a number on us.

"Ugh, I don't want to ever do that again." Mike grumbled, clinging onto Trixie's arm for support. "I don't know how you didn't throw up Ben, that was way worse than a roller coaster."

I felt my ears go a little red at the tips at the memory. 

"Mike, if you tell anyone that story, I swear to god the whole world is going to find out every single embarrassing thing you did when you and me were younger." I threatened.

"Oh, and you didn't do anything embarrassing eh? I think Erica would like to hear some of those." He shot back.

"Boys, boys, why don't you wait until after the mission is over before you guys try to impress my daughters." Catherine interrupted.

That caused a giggle to escape Trixie, while Erica remained as emotionless as ever.

Mike shot me a triumphant look as he slipped his arm around Trixie's waist. It became even bigger when she leaned into him. 

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, I knew Mike was just playful, but sometimes he took it too far.

There was a government vehicle assigned to us and we got in.

Catherine was driving of course, and Erica called shotgun so I was stuck with the couple at the back.

"Where are we going Catherine?" I asked.

"We're checking into a hotel, where we will set up mission control, then we'll get straight to work. Remember, we're on a clock." She replied. "The drive might take some time since this military base is far from civilization, you kids should get some shut eye, the plane ride could not have been comfortable and you'll need your strength for the next few hours."   

I nodded in agreement and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep. 

Not a long chapter, just barely 1100 words. Pls forgive me, I have a ton of school work to do. 


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