
245 4 3

November 19

2100 hours

We've been roaming these tunnels for nearly an hour now, it was like a maze that never ends. The tunnels well lit and looked like it was built just recently, maybe in the past 2 or 3 years?

We kept quiet as to not attract attention in case there were anybody under here with us. The rooms we found were nothing of interest. Mostly just storage for food and drinks or sleeping areas.

Eventually, we found a different corridor. This one was damp and dark with cages along the sides. The cages were even darker than the corridor and I squinted my eyes to see inside. 

I didn't find anything and we moved on.

Little did I know the horrors those cages held. I just walked past them, oblivious to the hundreds, maybe thousands of eyes watching me through the darkness. 


"How do you think they made all this?" I wondered aloud as I saw the rows and rows of cages and the long corridors.

"I honestly don't know Benjamin," Catherine replied. "Even if they had enough man power to clear out all this earth, where did they put it?"

Suddenly, Erica swiftly turned towards us and put a finger to her lips.

The tunnels had opened up to an enormous room, nearly as big as the gym back at spy school.

We scanned the room and saw that there were no people around. Weird. There were also no camera's. Also weird.

There was something in the middle of the room however, we couldn't see what it was because of the stained glass box covering it. 

Erica and Catherine started to move towards the box. I felt a chill down my spine and I reached out and grabbed their arms to stop them.

"I have a very bad feeling about this," I said.

"It's nothing Benjamin, probably just your nerves." Catherine reassured, gently pulling her hand out of my grip.

Erica too, wrenched her arm out of my grip although with a little more force than necessary.

I sighed inwardly, this was exactly where the spy gets caught in the movies.

With no other option, I followed the two woman to what was most probably a trap.

When we reached the box, Catherine and Erica did their routine checks for any traps on the thing while I just stood there, thinking that we were in the middle of one.

Finally after a full 2 minutes, Catherine signaled that it was safe.

I held on to one side and Catherine and Erica took another.

Slowly and gently, we uncovered the glass casing and inside, we found......

A piece of paper.

I picked up the note and read it, there was just one sentence with four words written on it:

This was a trap.

My eyes widened in surprise when a lot of thing happened at once.

The light suddenly flicked off so we couldn't see a thing, it was as if somebody was at the controls and messing with us. Then, I heard a spraying sound and my vision went dizzy. It smelt like one of the many knockout gases we were trained to recognize in spy school. 

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