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Emily dropped my duffle on the bed. I had retreated to one of the empty rooms after what happened in the kitchen. Nick had left after Emily arrived. Something about training in the morning.

"You okay?" Emily looked at me with concern.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She sighed. "It's not something we can tell. Klaus and Kristian have done a lot to hide our existence. Can you imagine what people would do if they knew?"

She sat next to me on the bed and hugged me. "It's not like I didn't want to tell you. I did so many times."

"So Sam is your mate?" I changed the subject. I didn't really blame her even though it still hurt my feelings that my friend did not confide in me.

"Yes." She beamed. "Once he bit me, I became a lycan. Klaus would have done the same with you if whoever bit you hadn't ruined it. It's quicker and less painful if it's done by an alpha. " She gritted.

Mila terrified me. The way her fangs ripped into my skin. How scared I was. She was going to kill me. "She almost killed me."

Emily looked empathetic. "Sometimes, new wolves lose control and end up killing someone. Klaus said he had done it several times when he first transitioned."

I stood and looked at her incredulously. "Are you fucking kidding me? She followed me to my room and tried to kill me because Nick was nice to me! That was not losing control! Like that should even be an excuse! I could be dead right now Emily!"

Emily stood with he hands reaching out. "Okay. I'm sorry. You're right."

I backed away from her. I started to feel claustrophobic. I needed air...I grabbed my bag and stalked out of the room.

"Alex!" Emily ran behind me. "Alex, wait!"

I reached the bottom of the stairs and headed to the front door. Kristian leaned against the wall by the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. He made no inclination that he was going to stop me so I wrenched the door open and walked out.

Emily stopped and glared at Kristian. "You're not going to do anything?!"

Kristian stepped away from the wall. "If she wants to leave, then let her leave. She is your queen. You should be more respectful of her needs."

"Ugh!" Emily stomped out the door.

Outside, I could see houses here and there. It reminded me of the cabins in Arrowhead and Big Bear. By the tree line, there was the training ground. I could see about nine people sparring. Among them, I could see Nick sparring with Mila. He was holding her from behind I could tell she was enjoying every bit of his muscular arms around her. Mine. My wolf growled. No. Not mine. I turned away and continued my trek to the main road.

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