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I walked through the darkness of my house to the kitchen grabbing a glass from the shelf. Klaus had been angry about his new love interest leaving. I scoffed as I shoved my glass against the water dispenser on the fridge door.

Suddenly the hair on the back of my neck rose and sent a shiver down my spine. I knew this familiar presence. One that exuberated power and fear. I turned slowly and saw a figure sitting in the dark living room.

"Klaus..." I said warily as I gripped my glass. "Is everything alright? I didn't know you were coming over. "

"Did you attempt to kill Alex at the hotel?"

I became stiff. Did she tell him? Little snitch. "No. Of course not. I told you what happened."

"I just wanted you to say it." His voice free of emotion. She could not tell if he was calm or angry. It made her uneasy.

"Good...did you want me to get you anything?" I turned to busy myself.

"I know you tried to kill her." He growled in my ear suddenly right at my back. I froze. He was so deadly close. I was afraid to turn around.

"You know what that means don't you? Especially since she is your queen." His hot breath brushed against the side of my face making me flinch.

I could feel his murderous intent as it bore down on her. "Please don't kill me." I whispered afraid to raise my voice to set him off. "I didn't know she was your mate."

He grabbed me by the throat. The glass I was holding slipped through my fingers and hit the tile shattering into pieces. His rough hand clenched as I gasped for breath gazing into his blackened eyes.

He growled as his claws bit into my skin. "Doesn't matter if you knew or not! It is against my orders! Do you think you can just do whatever you want with the power I gave you?"

"I'm sorry." I gasped out. He threw me to the ground. The glass shards pierced my skin upon impact. My fear numbed most of the pain as my life now hung in the balance.

Terrified, I looked up and saw his full beastly form. He stood seven feet tall, his jowls salivating craving to rip into my flesh.

He towered over me as he glared down at my cowering form. "Please don't kill me." I cried.

"If you ever come near Alex or my pack again, I will not hesitate to kill you. Understood?" His beast growled.

My head shot up in shock. "No! Please Klaus! I'll never do it again! I promise! Please!"

A beastly roar broke the silence of the house. He had backed away and paced in the living room. His beast wanted me dead. I watched it growl with its lips curled back. His fangs salivated for my blood. I lowered herself to the floor as much as I could. The glass cut into my arms and legs.

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