chapter 10

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The Russian general who leads all of the forces in the otherworld is currently reading on his newly sent equipment, to aid him on his invasion" that a governmental agent has sent him

"So we have been sent some tactical bombers, normal bombers, some strike aircraft with fighter aircraft for protection? And also why the B-100C, and the other aircraft's, like the A-10, aren't they outdated? Like we used them in the African campaign, and Yes they were effective, but there were better and cheaper alternatives when it was made in the 3rd world War, or should I say the age of conflict, as it was just a continuous conflict between nations, and not between powers, that just happened all over the aorld

"Well it's because they are useles- I mean less useful to the government right now, and they have been in storage collecting dust for some time now, so the government thought that we might as well use it.

"Because it's convenient?"

"Well, unfortunately, yes, and besides were talking about people who fight with swords and shields here, they aren't gonna even scratch it, much less getting close to it"

"What about the Chinese? They're probably gonna get suspicious of this when they notice were sending military equipment into the arctic"

"You don't have to worry about that, the government can handle that, your job is just to liberate the locals.

He sighs "Alright, alright" he looks down for a bit before looking back up at the agent "what else?"

"Ah right, the governments also want you to test one of the experimental super weapon they have developed" he pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to the General, the General turns the pages and takes a few glance at each page before asking " so what is the name of this superweapon?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to say it, as it's classified information"

"Of course it is"

He sighs, as he puts the piece of paper on a table near him "Alright, you can go, I have some planning to do"

"Of course" he says before leaving the room



The Russo-American forces plan to link up on the chelis city, which connects directly to their capital, and is also the only one connected to the capital.

The American forces have arrived at the city and are currently making preparations of attack on the city which they can use to have a direct access to the capital. While the Russian forces are nearby who are also making preparations of attack.


It is time for the attack on the the city, and the Russo-American forces are making one lest check on their equipment before attacking.


The American force stars with an air strike on multiple enemy forces, bases and position, like the walls, barracks and open areas where a group happend to be.

This shocked the inhabitants of the city as they have never before seen such aircraft, nor even know it was a aircraft at all, as information on the outside world, besides their own, we're very limited, to stories of bards, nobles, and some adventurers who would occasionally get hired by them because of their skill.

The F-32 are currently having a field day as they strike the enemy from the above with no opposition. One of the F-32's shot a missile to a bridge that had Adran troops one it, trying to get away from their aircraft's, was struck and exploded into the bridge turning it into a smoldering piece of rubble, killing everyone that was onto of it, with the only that survived where the ones who had just crossed it, or were, or didn't cross at all.

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