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"Right..now I just stay up here and don't move a muscle or say a word" I said to myself as I was sitting on top of the roof of Chris's cabin,scouting for both Chris and Chef to make sure that they don't find me or sneak up here.
Then I hear voices below me from where I was sitting. I look down to see Chef and Chris looking for me and calling out to me to show myself,there's no way that I'll show myself! They'll just have to continue looking for me!
"Chris,are you sure that she's around your cabin? She could still be in the forest for all we know"
Said Chef,Chris looked at him with a smile. He's clearly having fun looking for me. "Oh I know she's around here somewhere,she wouldn't go back into the forest due to the campers doing the challenge" He said with confidence. I just sat there,listening to their sudden comversation when all of a sudden I had the urge to sneeze. "Damnit,I..I can't..sneeze right now" I said in a slight hint of panic in my voice,then I prevented myself from sneezing..or so I thought.

I let out a loud sneeze that echoed across the forest "BLESS YOU Y/N!" yelled Chris. Shit,I revealed my location! I'm stuck on the roof,Chris and Chef are coming for me and I don't have an escape route,great! I start to think in my panic state while I could feel them getting close to me.
Then an idea popped up in my head,it's stupid but it's also worth it,as they got on the roof where I was,I stood by the edge of the roof,looking at them with a smile. "You've got nowhere to go and nowhere to hide Y/N! Just stay where you are!" Said Chris as he points his paintball gun at me,Chef did the same as he chuckled. I smiled at them and then launched myself off of the roof with a backflip and I made it into the water somehow. Both of them were surprised and a bit horrified.
I was quickly wimming away from them to get to another safe spot that I could think of,the camper's cabin!
"She's getting away man! We have to catch her!"
"Don't worry Chef,I know where she's heading of to,let's keep moving!"

-At Camp Wawanakwa by the camper's cabins-

"Thank god,I made it just in time before they could catch up to me" I said to myself as I hid under the cabins where the campers were sleeping in and trying to be as quiet as possible,I heard footsteps and yelling nearby the cabins. I peaked out a little bit to see Beth,Lindsay and Heather. They are arguing with each other besides Lindsay,she seemed worried. As I was about to listen onto their conversation,I heard more footsteps and voices of the campers and then I saw Chris and Chef standing in front of the campers. "Alright campers,I have a special task for you! If you find Y/N anywhere,then shoot her with the paintball guns that I gave you for today's challenge and we'll be joining you guys as well."
Chris said to the campers. I heard someone's knuckles cracking "Oh this is going to be fun" said Duncan,clearly excited for what Chris told them to do to me once they spot or find me.

Couple hours passed by and I was hiding under the wooden dock by the loser boat,being quiet and listening to the sounds of the footsteps around me. They still haven't found me,not even Chris or Chef. I peak out a little bit to see them all in a circle,discussing something. I couldn't really hear them cause they were whispering,I didn't want to come out yet until sunset or nightfall. But I can't hide forever,then there was utter silence.
It was too quiet for my liking. I peak out again and no one wasn't around,weird...
"I guess that they gave up,well,that's good for me I guess" I said to myself with relief but then I got jumped by everyone and got shot with paintballs from every corner. They stop shooting paintballs at me for a minute to look at me as I was covered in different colors from the paintballs.

Everyone was laughing,Chris wraps his arm around my shoulder and stops himself from laughing "We finally caught you Y/N! After hours of going after you and looking for you was worth it! So how do you feel?" He asks as he was chuckling,I think for a moment as I focus my attention to the paintball gun on his back. "Hey Chris,could I take a look at the painball gun?" I ask him,he thinks before giving the paintball gun to me and then I smiled at him "Everyone,FIRE!!" I yelled and then all of us shoot paintballs at Chris.
"HEY! NO FAIR! I'M THE HOST!" He yelled,I laughed along with the others as I wrap my arm around his shoulder this time "This is what I call sweet revenge" I said with a smile,he sighed and looked at the sky "Okay,that was awesome but really..REALLY messy too,which makes this challenge even more AWESOME! The ratings are going to sky rocket!" He said with joy. All of us went to our cabins and trailers to clean off all the paint and dress into our casual clothes once again. This was a blast!

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