Massacre of The Kamado Family ch1

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(thinking) (author-chan 's imput) "muzan talking telepathically " "regular talking"

(*future author here: I'm going over and editing my mistakes in the chapters.* keep in mind i suck at spelling so bad grammer and cringe warning.)

enjoy! UwU'


Tanjiro's POV

After my morning beating I was up and doing work for the family again. After I finished cleaning my new wounds and covering them up, I chopped some trees and wood and started on turning them into coal.

(Today mom must have been in a good mood. The beatings are usually more brutal and ruthless. Hopefully I get enough money to please the family today so that they will go easy on me again.

I had just finished the coal when my little sister came. she was the only one who actually cared about me and I am very grateful for that.)

"Onii-chan!" Hanako greeted me.

"Hello Hanako. When is the rest of the family coming back?" I asked. ( They left to go on a picnic in the forrest earlier. I still need time to cook lunch and then sell the coal. Hopefully there's still time)

"You must hurry Onii-chan. They are coming and are going to be here in a few minutes." Hanako panically told me.

With that Hanako ran back to the family. I was left to clean myself so that I didn't get any dirt on the food. I then gathered all the ingredients to cook something. It took a few minutes to finish but it was just in time as they were all filing in. I served them their food and took my share outside.

A few minutes later.

I finished packing up and was ready to head out. Hanako had already said goodbye to me a few minutes prior. Feeling satisfied with the small gesture of kindness I left. When I was in the village I went around selling coal and helping people. They were all very kind people and I always enjoyed going into the village.

Time skip brought to you by author-chan(I'm a bit lazy ok -_-)

As I made my way up the hill old man Saburo called out to me.

"Tanjiro are you sure you want to go up today?" he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I have to sir. You know what they will do to me if I don't" I said with a sad smile on my face. Old man Saburo has lived here alone ever since his family was killed by demons.

He knew well enough about my situation at home. He had tried in every way that he possibly could to help me but, in the end it didn't seem to work.

"Alright but be sure to come back if the beating goes too far. Make sure to look out for demons. you know it's turning night and that is the time that they hunt and roam around." He said. I gave him a nod and continued my way back up the mountain.

I could finally see my home after a while. When I walked in my mother came over and asked how much I had made. I told her and she didn't seem too happy about it.

⚠️This is the place Where the abuse is going to come so please leave if it is a sensitive topic. If not then you may proceed.⚠️

She grabbed my hair yanking me towards her, pulled me into a room and slapped me. The slap was hard enough to make me stumble a bit before I tripped over my own feet and falling to the floor. She then proceeded to kick and scratch at me making me gasp and cry before coughing up bits of blood.

After the kicks and the scratches she grabbed the hatchet that was by the door and used it to cut deep into my back and stomach. The burning pain that I felt as the wounds pulsed made it feel unbearable. Soon I could see my own blood begin to pool around me on the floor. I knew then that new scars would pop up on my back the most.

I was pretty surprised I didn't scream that much. it was mostly small whimpers, sobs, hisses, and small screams leaving my mouth. This continued on for what felt like an hour but in reality was 15 minutes.

She soon started back with the kicking. She had stopped a bit to gab a knife from the kitchen but hurried back not even seconds after. She slashed up a bit of my arms and was about to continue when there was a knock at the front door.

It sucked but whatever it's over now... Proceed

She left the room but all that was heard afterwards was a crash. I managed to crawl my way to the door and opened it. To my luck the room was not that far from the front door. I crawled and crawled until I finally made it to the doorway.

⚠️so a bit of a blood warning now.⚠️

I stayed froze still as soon as I saw what was going on. A man wearing a black suit, had blood red glowing slitted eyes and these weird (tentacles?) boney tentacles coming out from his back was slashing using them to cut and injure my family.

Blood was everywhere. On the floor, the walls, heck even the furniture. Nezuko ran as fast as she could with Rokuta out the front door. I was still frozen.

The man also went out the front door. He was out for what seemed like a few seconds before he returned with a bits and splashes of blood on him. He then looked at me. His blood red eyes widening a bit before he walked towards me.

(That man-Wait no demon just killed everyone. Hannako I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Who is he? What does he want from us?)

I must have been so frozen into the ground and lost in thought because I came back to reality just to see some shoes in front of me. I looked up to face him. He then began to speak, his red eyes meeting mine.

"Did you really ever love them?" He asked. He was staring down at me before he crouched down to my level.

"I-" I hesitated before I began again, "Well of them." I finally replied moving my gaze from his eyes to the floor.

"Why do you still stay alive? Why fight when you now have nothing left?" He asked once again. before I replied I caught Nezuko's scent.





she was still alive.


To be continued...

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter see you all in the next on ^.^!

word count 1013. (Update: 1127)

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