At The Café (INFP x ENFJ)

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On one very calming summer's day, the branches of trees danced with the wind, and rustling of leaves calmed the mind. INFP felt very happy today, as she was sitting inside of her favorite café, by a window double her size, wiggling her feet with joy. Her eyes could be followed outside to a group of people who seemed to be enjoying the warm weather. She stared for a few seconds and one of the people noticed her and smiled. When INFP saw that, she quickly diverted her gaze elsewhere, hoping that the other hadn't noticed... even though they obviously had. She heard the little bell above the door ring, followed by the voices of several people resounding within the small business. About half of them were talking very loudly.

"THAT WAS HILARIOUS, ENFJ! Did you see their faces? BAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"I know, right? They tried so hard to catch us. WHAT A FAIL." He wheezed.

The guy who had spoken first was still wearing his sunglasses inside. She found him kind of weird, but this person's preferences were none of her business anyway.

One of the people in the group started ordering — they seemed to know what everyone wanted already — while the others looked for good seats. INFP didn't mean to stare, but at some point she saw how the one who was talking with the sunglasses guy elbowed his friend and started walking towards INFP's direction.

Oh, no, what do I say? What do I do? One of them is approaching me, not good, not good. Calm.

"Hey, there!" ENFJ leaned his arm on INPF's table. "Mind if we sit here with you? You seem a bit lonely."

No, please leave me alone omg.


INFP felt like crying, but, on the bright side, she was able to maybe make a few new friends, she hoped.

Ya think one of them likes Anime? She thought. Thinking of being able to maybe talk about what she liked made her happy.

The food came and they all started eating. INFP had already finished her strawberry shortcake and macchiato a long time ago and only stayed longer to use the café's internet to finish some homework online. With so many people around her — she counted 8 — she felt a bit overwhelmed and wanted to leave until someone introduced themselves to her. "Hey, I'm ENFJ. What's your name, girlie?" "Oh, I'm INFP. It's nice to meet you."

ENFJ came closer. "Are you feeling alright? Is this amount of people too much for you?"

For some reason, INFP started relaxing. Something about this guy was comforting. His vibes were so... positive? Someone... cared about her?

At first, she was taken aback, but then found composure to say "I'm fine. Don't... Okay, honestly, a little bit, but it's okay, really. I should go out of my comfort zone sometimes."

ENFJ, "Hm, I don't think it's necessary right now. If you don't feel comfortable, why don't you come sit at another table with me, just you and I?" 
INFP blushed a bit, but hoped that the other wouldn't notice. "Sure." She agreed.

While they stood up and walked to the back, ENFJ's friends made a lot of comments. "OOOOOH ENFJ, GET SOME!!" It was the guy with the glasses again. The other person, the one who had ordered, cheered with him. "WOOO!" Now that INFP had taken a closer look at him, she felt like he'd be good at baking cakes.

Once at the back, INFP and ENFJ started having a heartfelt conversation about everything they could think of — from their favorite tv shows and books, to what they wanted to do in the future, their values and views on things... They realized that they had a lot in common, yet not. Their interests were similar, but not the same, just like their values. Though, even then, they simply agreed to disagree on these things.

Night came and ENFJ's friends were long gone. Now the couple was walking along the streets, enjoying the LED lights of several stores and bars. When ENFJ talked to INFP, she felt a sense of relief, but he also wouldn't break eye contact and that made her a bit nervous, after all. They had fun, talked and laughed. ENFJ was even kind enough to take her home, and INFP felt very loved through this gesture of care.

When she entered her room, she was full of emotions — so many that she couldn't organize herself just yet, but she knew that one feeling dominated them all: Love.

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