Truth or Dare and the Sleepover (1) (All Types)

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"OK, EVERYONE, SHUT UP! INFP, TRUTH OR DARE?!" ENFP jumped up and down in her seated position.

"DARE!" INFP screamed.

ENFP, "Ohh, someone's daring today, I LOVE IT!"

INFP, "Hehe, I can do anything that you throw at me!!! Tell me my dare, magic man!"

"But she's a woman." ISTJ added jokingly, and everyone laughed.

Today's sleepover was hosted by ENTJ. After the big opening of her business, she felt the need to celebrate, and rightfully so.

All 16 of this big group of friends were currently playing fun games after dinner. They sat in a circle in the living room.

ENFJ, INFP, ISTJ and ESTP were seated on the couch, with ISFP and ISFJ sitting on the arms of this piece of furniture. On the armchair to their left, there sat INTJ, ENTP and ISTP. Whereas to the right one sat ESFP, INFJ, and ENFP. ESFJ was sitting on the floor with a pillow, while ESTJ had gotten themselves a chair to sit on. INTP and ENTJ were enjoying the bean bags on both sides.

They used a bottle to lead most games. In this case the spinner of the bottle would ask the great truth or dare question to the one that it lands on. The best part about all of this: This time the only rule was "Nothing that can make you land in a hospital bed" which scared some, but made others excited.

ENFP, "Ok, INFP, I have an idea... get into the closet with... ENTP!"

"ENTP???!!!" INFP found ENTP fun but she didn't like him that way, to be honest. "Just go go go, and stay in there until it's your turn again." ENFP insisted.

"What about my turn????" ENTP asked, but his question was left unanswered. He shrugged. Eh, whatever, I don't really care. I already know what I'm gonna do once I get in there with INFP, hehehe...

ENFP took both by the wrists and shoved them into the small closet. "HAVE FUN!" She screamed and closed the closet door.

Back to the living room, where everyone was, minus two. "Now that INFP is not here to spin the bottle, who will do it for her?" ISFP wondered.

ISTP spoke up "Give it to the person who wants it."

ISFP, "ISTP, do you want it?"

ISTP, "I mean, if no one else does."

With no objections, ISTP spun the bottle and it landed on... ESFJ!

"ESFJ, truth or dare?"

"Dare, obviously." He smirked and pulled up his eyebrows twice.

ISTP, "Hmm, okay, then, uh... do a backflip!"

"Easy." ESFJ stood up and went to the part of the room with the most space. It was still a bit cramped, but he would make it work. 3, 2, 1, BACKFLIP!

It was a gracious backflip, until upon landing he lost his balance, making him fall forwards into bookshelves. As luck had it, everything fell off, but surprisingly nothing fell on him. INFJ ran to him, worried, "Are you okay?" while ESTP and ENTJ couldn't hold back their laughter. INTP also thought that it looked funny, but tried hard not to show it. ESFJ turned out to be fine, except for a small bump on the head, though. He spun the bottle and it landed on... ESTJ! ESFJ asked "Truth or dare?" and ESTJ chose to answer a simple question.

ESFJ, "Ok, no backing out. Out of the people in this room, who would you fuck?" The room was silent for a second, but ESTJ did not think very long until they said "INTJ." and smiled over to her. INTJ's only reaction was to look away and act as if nothing had happened.

ENFP, meanwhile, held her hands to her mouth and couldn't help but fangirl at their romantic tension with a squeal so loud that it made INFJ close her eyes out of overstimulation. ESTJ spun the bottle and it landed on ESFP. "OH IT'S MY TURN, FINALLY! I thought it would never get to me!"

ESTJ, "Truth or dare?"

ESFP, "DARE!!!!"

"Hm... Okay, I dare you to sit on ENFJ's lap."
ESFP blushed, but tried to hide it by laughing. "What are you crazy?!!!!"
ISTP butted in, "You have to. Those are the rules."

ISTJ supported him by nodding his head.

"OK OK, ENFJ, we might as well get married then!" ESFP said and sat down on his lap.

"Hey, guys, I think we should call ENTP and INFP back in. They've been in there for almost 10 minutes already." ISTJ suggested.

"I'll go get them!!!" ISFP volunteered. I want to see what they're doing...

"Ok, go." ENTJ said.

"ESTP, you've been dangerously quiet, what are you doing on your phone?" INFJ wanted to know, but he couldn't hear her because he was wearing air pods, so she left him alone.

When ISFJ leaned over to see, she saw him texting someone on Tinder. ISFJ felt a bit jealous, so she tapped his shoulder to get his attention. He took out his air pods.

INTP, "It's your turn, ESTP."

ISTJ, "No, it's not??" ENFJ hit his arm softly. "Oh..." He realized that it was to have ESTP participate more.

ESTP, "Ok, I'm gonna show you guys what I can do. Give me a dare RIGHT NOW!"

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" ISFP came back into the room screaming.

ENTJ, "What happened?"

ISFP, "I'M GONNA CRY, INFP AND ENTP MADE WEIRD NOISES TT. WHY DID I HAVE TO WITNESS THIS?? WHYYY!!!!!!" ESFJ stood up and went over to ISFP "Shh, it's okay. You're allowed to feel this way."

ENTJ stood up from her bean bag and walked to the closet that the two culprits were in. Without hesitation she opened the door and laughter erupted from inside.


INFP, "AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" They both fell out, rolling from laughter.

ENTJ, "You made these sounds on purpose."
"BAHAbaahahawdfjeishdskfbhksrd YES" The two on the floor were crying, their faces red, and their voices loud.

"I'm just in a AHAHA silly goofy HA mood right now." INFP explained.

ENTJ rolled her eyes. "Come back to the living room." She let out a small laugh disguised as an exhale.

ENTP, "Yes, ma'm."

The rest of gaming time was just as fun -- To sum it all up, INTJ and ESTJ ended up in a room for the rest of the night, ENFP scattered glitter everywhere and did a make-over on ESFP and INFP, ENTP and ESTP kept tasing each other, ISTP, ISTJ and INTP would not stop shooting at everyone, including each other, with Nerf guns, and ENFJ, INFJ, ISFP, and ISFJ ended up making themselves a comfortable corner to burn incense and have a therapy session. Besides that, ESFJ almost fell down the stairs by accident, but also baked a cake with ENTJ, who somehow kept order in this chaos.

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