"Kabedon Me!" (ENTP X INFP, + others) (2)

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At some point ENTP woke up. His exhaustion had finally gotten to him and now that he came to, he saw INFP by his side. She looked so pure... the name "Saint" would not have been too off for her—out of the many people's minds he read, hers was the kindest. Even though she sometimes did curse at people and had sexual thoughts, she had a strong will inside of herself that denied and fought back against this "evil", which he found very commendable.

ENTP and INFP had started being friends about 2 years ago. Back then he was still looking for the Saint, but had no idea that it could have been her. It was in front of their current school, by the playground. ENTP was going back home after a long day when he saw someone struggling on a somewhat high tree. He walked towards her and she spotted him.

"Hi! Do you know how I can get down?"

At first, ENTP thought of just going home and calling it a day, but upon seeing her state, something within made him stay.

"What are you doing up there?"

"I..." She embarrassingly held a cat in front of her.

"You tried to safe it and got stuck yourself?" He laughed.

"Yeah, I can't get back down. I'm too scared." TT

The tree actually wasn't that high, just about twice to three times his size. He had jumped from higher places before during training.

But she was but an ordinary girl...

He thought of an idea. "Throw me the cat!"

INFP, "You'll catch her?"

ENTP, "Yeah, come on!"

She did as told and threw the cat at him, which he caught, but the animal immediately escaped his grasp, as though running from a terrifying monster. I just saved you and this is the thanks I receive? Hmph.

He turned to INFP. "Okay, now you."

"M-m-me??! B-but, it's too high!"

"It's not. Trust me! You're not a scaredy-bird, are you?" The thought of just leaving her there crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. He had a little brother and learned how to be quite caring thanks to him.

He pushed on and opened his arms. "Come on, you can do it!"

INFP closed her eyes and jumped into his hold, making ENTP almost lose his balance.

For some reason, she kept clinging onto him, even after he had removed his limbs from her body.

"Uhm... There, there. You're okay now." He patted her head.

When he looked at the girl who only reached his shoulders, he felt uneasy, but comforted at the same time. Something was abnormal about her... For a split second he thought he saw a white flame in her soul...

Indeed, he needed to know more about her.

ENTP, "Do you go to this school?"

INFP, "I will next year! I'm so excited! And you?"

"Me, too!" No, he actually would not, but upon hearing that this mysterious girl wanted to go there, he had to.

When ENTP walked back home that day, he made sure to discuss this incident with his brother ISTP and they both agreed to keep an eye on her.

Skip forward a few years, and they had now become good friends—not close enough to be best friends, but also not distant enough to just be considered classmates. During the breaks, INFP always sat by herself, but he always made sure to watch her, even if she didn't know.

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