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CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR ━━ The ending Battle of Hogwarts

▎AMOUR ▎CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR ━━ The ending Battle of Hogwarts

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SHE WAS TOLD NOT TO GO. For her safety, because she was too young. But now she had lost two people she loved. Remus and Tonks were gone forever now. There was no way to bring them back. And if she managed to live through this battle and go back home, what would she tell Andromeda? How could she, without crying tell her that her daughter and son in law died tragically? Poor Teddy, now an orphan without even knowing.

     When he grows up, he won't remember the memories he made with his parents until he'd go looking for them. Lyra wouldn't allow that, when Teddy grows up he will know who exactly his parents are. And what they died fighting for.

Lyra felt as though she was breaking apart, Ginny being what held her together. "They shouldn't be laying there," she croaked. "This whole battle. . .Now they won't even know if we're going to win or not."

"We will, in honour of them."

"How do you know?" asked Lyra, sounding hopeless. Ginny wiped the tears from her face, her eyes more brilliant than ever.

"The good guys always win in the end, don't they?"

"They didn't," Lyra pointed out sadly, as her eyes drew back at the corpses. Ginny covered them with the cloth. "Why does this keep happening to me, Gin? Why do all the people I love leave me?"

"Hey, Ly. I'm not going to leave you, your aunt isn't, Nat and Zay, my family; we all love you and we'll be here for you," she promised her.

"Severus didn't. He left me to serve him, the one responsible for all of their deaths."

     Lyra saw how Ginny clearly didn't know how to respond, offering to grab her some water instead. She watched as her girlfriend passed Ron and Hermione, they began whispering and the twins soon joined. Then, Fred and George went to Madam Pomfrey who pointed at the excess cloth on the ground.

"Where are they going?" Lyra accepted the water Ginny gave her. "Is it to get Severus? He's dead, isn't he? V-Voldemort killed him, Sev knew he'd die one day. The last thing I asked him was why he let him control him. Take three guesses what he told me."

     Ginny couldn't say anything. Lyra sniffed, drinking the rest of her water. "He said, if he didn't The Dark Lord was going to kill him. He knew there'd be a day it would happen. When he died, he predicted it. I hate him for doing that to himself. Why did he do that?" After she spoke that sentence, Ginny's comforting arms wrapped around her once again. Lyra hadn't expected to cry. She thought it would happen if she saw his dead corpse, but knowing Severus foresaw his death was the dealbreaker.

AMOUR. Ginny W. ¹Where stories live. Discover now