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TWELVE YEARS HAD PASSED SINCE THAT FORTUNATE DINNER NIGHT. Lyra won't say their families are best friends now but it has become better than before. In the time that passed, it even grew bigger. Though she would sometimes mix up their names, Lyra loves all of them unconditionally.

She and Ginny weren't planning on getting any children soon. As her wife had become a legendary Quidditch player and she was a well respected Unspeakable. They were the cool aunts and absolutely loved it.

They especially liked answering any question anyone asked, even those their parents didn't want them to know. Scorpius and Albus (who she nicknamed the rascals) in particular, were champs at this, driving Draco and Harry mad.

"Dad was turned into a ferret?" he said incredulously while Lyra was adjusting his hair.

"Yes, and Moody hopped him around the entrance hall. It was hilarious, maybe I could show you in the Pensieve -"

"If you do, I'll break your wand," Draco cut in sharply.

Lyra shrugged. "Still can't stop me," she told him, grinning widely.

     "Don't you have to- get to your wife or something?" he asked, clearly wanting her gone.

"Draco, you shouldn't be so rude to her, you know," rebuked Astoria, frowning. Kind and sweet Astoria Greengrass, why my brother? Lyra asked herself.

"Yes, it hurts how much resentment you show towards me," she agreed with a pout. "I thought you loved me."

Draco's open hand frustratingly bawled into a fist. "Tori, she's provoking you. The little sneak always did that back when we were children."

"And you used to have a bed wetting problem," she reminded him (and his family), making Astoria turn red and Scorpius bite his knuckle to stop himself from laughing. "For your information, my lovely wife is wishing Elliot and Mila a good year. Since I've done that already, I didn't think it to be necessary to stay." She gets closer to Scorpius. "I also had to save the best for last."

"I don't think Victoire would like hearing that," Scorpius whispered.

     Lyra scanned the station until she saw her, she was busy with Nicola while Teddy had to watch their friends be very affectionate to each other. "I think she won't mind," she whispered. "Do not tell her, though, we have to be sure."

"I swear it on my life," he said, entwining their pinkies.

"Also, get in Hufflepuff and write about it to your father and grandad. I want to capture their face when they find out."

Draco covered Scorpius' ears with his hands. "Stop manipulating my family!" He led him to Astoria, still glaring at Lyra.

     "Wow Malfoy. What's got up your arse?" asked the familiar voice of Ginny, wrapping her arms around Lyra from behind.

"Your wife."

"Sister," Lyra corrected.

"Still, you're ruining what was supposed to be a goodbye between me and my son."

"That isn't very nice of you, Princess," Ginny scolded mockingly. "Don't worry, Draco. If we get home, I'll tell her off about it," she promised him, mimicking a strict mother face. Then leaned closer to Lyra, whispering, "Just so you know, I'll be rough on you."

Draco caught on her comment a second earlier than Lyra did. "Weasley," he hissed, curling his lip. "The last thing I want to hear is you whispering about having intercourse with my baby sister."

"I'm thirty six, Draco." Then Lyra processed what she said. "Merlin's Beard, I'm old."

"You're still as pretty as when we first met, and you're as annoying," she added, looking at Draco.

     Watching children board the train, Lyra sighed. "You know, I hope their seven years of school are normal."

"Well, you got the son of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy as best friends, Rose and Hugo share blood with the twins. The only ones who're safe are their children." Ginny pointed at Natalie and Theodore, who were wishing their twins farewells. They were joined by Zayna, who had left the US for the occasion.

Draco laughed. "I think they'll just drive the others insane like their parents."

"Yeah and be infuriatingly smart and act like seers," Lyra said, remembering how annoyingly right they always were (and still are for some reason).

"And get in relations and make it their entire personality," Ginny added.

"Plus disrupting everyone's sleep with their nightly boinking," Teddy chimed in. This made everyone turn to them. "What? I used to be at Nicola's all the time. Don't tell me none of you ever heard?"

"Umm..." Scorpius trailed off when his father's eyes snapped at him.

"Weren't you there two seconds ago?" was what Lyra managed to ask them after a temporary shut down from thinking too hard without any caffeine.

They threw their arms around Lyra and Draco's shoulders. "I would rather be with my sweet family than having to wait until my best friends stop sucking each other's faces off." Lyra reassured her godchild that they'll get used to it. Zayna and Natalie did.

Scorpius scoffed. "Sweet? Where did that come from? You called me a walking white rat two days ago."

"Because I thought you-" Teddy began, then gasped. "You are wearing my jumper! Little fucker."

"Teddy, language," chided Draco.

"It's my favourite!" they spluttered. "Lyra? Tell him to take it off."

"Ly ra," Scorpius articulated, "tell them that I can't because I don't want to freeze to death."

To avoid herself from possibly having to take sides, she checked her clock and saw it was 10:58. "Train is leaving in two minutes! Get in, losers."

"Lyra!" They both whined.

"See you in a few months. Love you, bye." She kissed Teddy and Scorpius on the head and after they all said goodbye to everyone, reluctantly got inside the train.

As it road away and all children waved to their parents from outside the windows, Draco Malfoy took a deep breath. "I love my family," he said with an appreciative smile.

"Me too, but seriously Draco." Lyra Malfoy threw an arm around her brother's shoulder. "I am cutting your hair off."

He gave her a signature Draco glare. "Next time when I'm taking Scorpius to King's Cross, you are staying home."

Lyra rolled her eyes. "Yes father."

"It's been decades, let it go," Draco groaned, tired of hearing the joke.

"Nope," Lyra said with a smile.


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