Part 11

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Lying down on the bed, shivering I clutch onto the sheets. I was on the edge of the balcony hanging down, naked while he was playing with my body. He was so strong, I couldn't move a muscle. My cries didn't matter, what I said didn't matter. I wiped my tears as I lay sideways watching him as he sipped on his whiskey. After putting me down on the bed, he left saying he had some work. He came back after one hour and I was still lying here. My body is defeated. My mind is defeated too. He poured out his whiskey and stood at the same place he was earlier, when he was fucking me. I stared at him, absentminded.

He heads over to the bed and sits next to me. I know he's looking at me. He's studying me. My silent tears keep dripping and I don't make an effort of wiping them anymore. He lifts me easily and now I'm straddling him. He wipes my tears with his thumb like a lover and pecks me on the lip.

"You were a good girl today", he winks. He's a monster. I nod. He's still dressed elegantly and I'm bare as a baby.

"Tomorrow we're meeting my parents. I expect you to be good", he says sharply.

"W-why parents?", I timidly ask.

"They should meet my future wife, not that I care but mother insists", he says. I gulp when he mentions 'wife' and he notices that. "The sooner you accept this life, the better it'll be Bella."

"I need to know some things, please Aiden. I cannot stay in the dark and in your room anymore", I plead.

"I got you books", he says and I can see he's pissed. "I know you like to read."

"I know, I know I'm so thankful", I say hurriedly hoping I didn't offend him. He thinks giving me 3-4 books is a sweet gesture. "Just please can I get out of his room? I want to see the garden, it actually has my favorite flowers pe-"

"Peonies", he interrupts.

I don't know what to say so I fumble but he interrupts me again saying, "Don't look so surprised. I had them planted out for you."

I look down pretending as if the sheets are interesting so I could avoid his gaze.

"I'll accompany you for a walk tomorrow", I hear him say and instantly joy spreads through my body and I hug him. I soon realize what I did and I cringe in my mind but he keeps hugging me. He makes me get up and hands me over pajamas. No bra or underwear but at least there's progress.

"Thank you, Aiden", I whisper. He kisses my temple softly and I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. I wear the pajamas while wondering how can a human being have such contrasting personalities. What's wrong with me? I will never deny his gorgeous looks but he can be sweet too, if he wants. This is wrong, I cannot feel like this. He is a murderer, a rapist, he is the devil.

A knock interrupts my thoughts and I instantly get up and move over to the side and settle myself. Rue must be back, I think. Maybe Aiden will let her show me his mansion. If the room is so extravagant, I wonder how the rest of the house will be.

A man enters, he's wearing a blue T-shirt and pants. He's wearing sport shoes, the same ones I've seen everyday since the past three years.

No. It can't be.

There's Justin, my Justin, my best friend. My best friend since I was a baby. Without wasting time, I leap towards him to envelope him into a hug when he moves to the side avoiding me. "H-how are you here?", I scream tapping on his chest, "What happened? I'm so happy you're okay, are you hurt? Where's Dany? Ben? Alicia? Where were you that night, you disappeared from Copa? Is Mamma paranoid, did you talk to her! JUSTIN! Answer me."

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