Part 13

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* I don't own any of the pictures. Credits to the owner *

In a usual setting, meeting your boyfriend's parents is scary. What if they don't like you? And worse: What if they pretend to like you but cannot stand your guts? In this case, Aiden's parents know about our situation. Our situation? That he practically blackmailed me into being with him. And in this case I cannot do anything. I cannot pretend to be a psycho unbearing girl friend because if I do that, Aiden will kill me. I cannot pretend to be the nicest human on the planet because if they like me, they will encourage Aiden to marry me. There's no option for me so I guess I have no game plan. I just have to be myself.

Aiden threatened me in the garden that if I don't behave today, he will cut Justin's ear. He also said that he's looking forward to punish him because he didn't like how I leapt towards Justin yesterday when I saw him. I don't want to tempt this man because he's always on edge. Any wrong decision from my side and he will release hell on earth. What I need to do today is just survive.

When I came back to the room to change my heels, I found something. A gun. It was in a shoe box underneath the closet. I was trying to find the heels Aiden got me and I found his gun.

He usually keeps his gun with him or in his office but when he was in the garden, he was without the suit. And if he's not going to wear the suit for lunch then it means that this gun will be in the closet. I just need a right time to use it. I need to devise a plan. Maybe today is not the right day because his parents will be here, two more people to fight off. I'll probably threaten him with it when we're both alone in the house or at least in the room.

For the first time since I've come here, I have hope of getting out.


I expected an old couple but I was surprised to see Aiden's parents. They looked as if they were in their 50's. His mom was screaming class, wearing exquisite jewelry and his dad was wearing a suit, a blank expression on his face just like Aiden. They were waiting for us in the hall and as soon as they saw us, I made a mental note to stay as quiet as I can today.

"Aiden, my son!", his mom screamed in happiness. "Been too long since I've seen you!." She hurriedly came over and hugged Aiden.

"Pleased to see you, Mother", he says with a genuine smile.

His father gives him a nod which he returns.

"Look who we have here! Isabella! I've heard so much about you, yet so little!", his mom tells me excitedly as she hugs me next. She radiants happiness but if she supports her son in ruining my life, I couldn't care less.

"Nice to meet you", I reply.

"Isn't she gorgeous, Morien?", she asks her husband.

I look over at Aiden's father and remember how he cut off Rue's father's hands. He's the one responsible for his son being a psycho murderer. I don't hear what he says but his mother laughs so I'm guessing it was something good.

"She definitely is.", Aiden says and winks at me.

"You can call me Catherine, dear. Let's eat lunch, we're famished!"

We sit down and we are served food. I see Rue and I smile at her but she doesn't return one back. Shrugging that off, I proceed to start eating my lunch and try to quickly finish it so I go to the library and spend my whole day there. Hopefully, even the night.

If only Aiden would ever let me do that.

"My mother asked you a question, Bella"

I look up and Aiden is staring at me. He was sitting right beside me. His hand was on my thigh and he gripped it. I'm at a loss of words, I was too occupied in my thoughts and I just want to get out of here.

His Dark TemptationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora