Chapter 35

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Harley is with Allison and Isaac as Allison calls Stiles and explains what the other two found.

"Philosophers?" Stiles asks over the phone.

"And guardians," Allison sighs. "Which, after last night, has to mean something like law enforcement, right?" Harley sinks back slightly, visions still running rampant in the back of her mind. "Stiles, you have to tell your dad. Tell him whatever you need but you have to get him to believe. Tell you dad. Warn him."

"Okay, okay, okay, I know." Allison hangs up and looks to the two standing behind her. 

"What if he dies?"

"He won't," Harley shakes her head. "We won't let that happen."

"If this is really my dad-"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Harley looks down as Isaac grabs her wrist.

"Why are you shaking so bad?" he asks, inspecting her trembling hand. She yanks it back.

"Is it illegal for me to be nervous?" she asks him.

"I've never seen you show your emotions a day in your life."

"Shut up." She rolls her eyes. 

The three are sitting, contemplating what to do next.

"I have to stop him," Allison decides.

"Is that really a good idea?" Isaac asks. "I mean, if your dad is actually doing all this stuff-"

"'If?' Look at this. He knows everything."

"That doesn't make him a killer," Harley sighs. 

"What does it make him, then?"

"I don't know. But this isn't the kind of conclusion you jump to?"

"Oh, and you haven't automatically thought the worst of people before?"

"No, actually, I didn't have to. You proved it to me."

"Okay," Isaac gasps, stepping between the two. "Tension is high, I get that." Allison rolls her eyes and throws the map on the desk, storming out of the room. "Allison-" 

"You two figure it out," she scoffs. Isaac looks pointedly at Harley, who stares him right back in the eyes.

"Just because everyone else decided to forgive and forget," Harley says as she rolls out the map, "Doesn't mean I have to." She recoils as she realizes something, leaning back forward after a moment and looking with more vigor.

"What are you doing?" Isaac asks.

"If Mr. Westover was taken from the school, there's gotta be another point on the telluric current."

"You mean where he'll be sacrificed?" Isaac walks around the table and stands next to her, hovering the blue light over the map. She shudders at the suddenly close proximity, which the smile on his face notifies her as something he picked up on. He traces along till he finds a specific spot. "There. That mark's new."

"Then that's where he is," Allison says from the doorway. Harley looks up at the girl, who is staring apologetically back at her. Harley clears her throat, wrapping back up the map.

"What are we waiting for?" Harley asks. "Let's go." Harley turns away from Isaac, coughing into her hand. She pulls it away and a thin string of blood remains. She wipes it away quickly, avoiding Allison's gaze. "Actually, I'm just gonna go home. My mom needs me."

"Are you okay?" Isaac reaches out for her, but she steps out of his path. She feels guilty at the quick flash of hurt that crosses his expression, but doesn't show it. 

"Fine." She walks out before anyone has the chance to say anything else.

Rather than heading home like initially planned, Harley makes her way to the high school per Lydia's request. She finds herself standing in the auditorium alongside Scott and Lydia while they look around anxiously. Lydia lets her know she's heading out, leaving Harley alone with Scott. He takes a sudden inhale of breath, before grabbing Harley's hand and revealing the blood.

"What happened?" he demands. "Did someone do this to you?"

"No," she sighs, tugging her hand back. "I just cut it." He frowns. 

"I feel like you're lying."

"Can't you just invade my privacy and check?" He frowns deeper.

"One, that's mean. Two, I can't smell you anyway, so." Her retort is cut off when Scott turns around as the doors open, revealing the two Argents and Isaac. She blanches when she sees the slightly betrayed look on his face as he sees her standing beside Scott. He maintains eye contact with Scott, both giving the other a slight glare, before following the Argents. "You left them alone?"

"Am I a babysitter?" 

"Don't have to snap on me. Jealousy's strong enough, I can smell it from here."

"A, you just told me you can't smell me. B, I left them on my own accord. C, what's there to be jealous of?"

"You're trying to tell me you don't have feelings for Isaac?"

"Are you still in love with Allison?"

"What? No." She raises her eyebrows in disbelief. Humming, she turns away, effectively ending the conversation.

Later that night, Harley is running with Scott and Stiles, looking for Lydia. They reach just outside the school and both boys yell out for her. Scott scans the area as Stiles and Harley share a worried look.

"Anything?" Stiles asks. Scott shakes his head. "She's not answering texts. What do we do?" Harley gasps, lurching forward as a wave washes over her. It feels sticky, and she starts choking on nothing. Both boys drop to their knees to help her, but she pushes them off. She feels the scar on her neck start to irritate, and a few drops of blood start to fall. She wipes it off and stands, facing the two.

"She's inside," she rasps. "And she's not alone."

The boys trail after Harley as she walks through the halls. They're wandering rather aimlessly, until a loud shriek is heard. 

"Lydia," the three sigh in unison. They run toward the direction of the noise, stopping short at a locked door. They stop short when they see Sheriff Stilinski pointing his gun at whomever was in the room. They get into the room just as a knife is thrown at him.

"No!" Harley throws out a hand, knocking the knife off target. She and Scott step into the room together, and her world tints a slight red. She feels a warmth generating from her hands, and she knows she's a sight to see based on the look on Ms. Blake's face, who is apparently the Darach. She feels shaky with the power coursing through her, but for the first time, it feels like adrenaline.

Scott attacks first, eventually getting forced back. While the Darach is distracted, Harley raises her hand and thrusts it forward, a ball of energy emitting from it and striking the Darach in the chest, sending her back. She stepped forward to help Lydia, but not before being blown back by the Darach's counter attack. She falls headfirst, and hears a crunch as she makes contact, the pain blooming in her jaw soon after. She tries to get up, but a dizzy spell sends her back to the ground. She spits out blood, and can feel it draining from her eyes. Her vision goes in and out of focus as the Sheriff fights with the Darach. She forces herself to her feet as the Darach forces a knife into the Sheriff's chest. She throws her body, sending both girls tumbling to the ground. 

"I was looking for guardians," the Darach smiled wickedly. "You'd be perfect. Unfortunately, I have another use for you yet." The Darach waves her hand over Harley's face, causing the girl to hit the ground, hard. Her head lolls and she sees multiple people burst into the room. As someone kneels over her, she blinks into focus for a moment, finding Isaac staring down at her.

"Harley?" he gasps. She smiles slightly, letting herself rest as he picks her up. "Stay awake, Harley. I-We need you, all right? Scott, let's go!"

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