}3{ - Family Farewells

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The moment the anthem ended, they were taken into custody.

They weren't handcuffed or anything, but a group of Peacekeepers marched them through the front door of the Justice Building.

Maybe tributes had tried to escape in the past.

Livia had never seen that happen though.

Once inside, she was conducted to a room and left alone.

It was the richest place she had ever been in, with thick, deep carpets and a velvet couch and chairs.

When she sat on the couch, she couldn't help running her fingers over the fabric repeatedly.

It helped to calm her as she tried to prepare for the next hour.

The time allotted for the tributes to say goodbye to their loved ones.

It was in that moment of silence she spent alone in that room, that she wondered if she'd ever experience peace.

The door swiftly opened and Livia didn't have time to react before Dominic clung to her legs.

She could feel his glasses dig into the skin but she didn't dare complain. It might be the last time she saw the little squirt.

Livia kneeled to Dom's height as he pulled back.

She could tell he fought back the tears, most likely so the twins wouldn't call him a crybaby.

"Don't go." He begged as he wiped at his eyes as if to stop the tears that pooled.

She sadly smiled and pressed a kiss to his head, before standing and glancing at the twins.

There was a thick silence, that cracked slowly but surely.

"You'll have to tell us all about it." Augustus spoke.

Livia could read between the lines. She knew what went unsaid- 'come back alive'.

So she smiled and her eyes moved to Ambrose.

"Make us proud, Livi."

In no time, Livia had enveloped her three brothers in her arms- for perhaps the last time.

As she pulled away, she looked each boy in the eyes.

"You boys are the strongest people I know- don't back down, don't comply, don't follow." She spoke, pushing the shakiness from her statement.

Ambrose gently grabbed Dominic's hand as the three moved for the door.

"And boys-" Livia pipped up, causing them to pause by the door, "-I love you."

Livia didn't break down until they'd been long gone.

She buried her head into her arms and curled into herself.

No one else visited her.

It was a short ride from the Justice Building to the train station.

Livia had never been in a car before- rarely ever rode in wagons.

The station was swarming with reporters with their insectlike cameras trained directly on Livia's face.

But she had a lot of practice at wiping her face clean of emotions and she did it then.

She caught a glimpse of herself on the television screen on the wall that was airing her arrival live and felt gratified that she appeared almost bored.

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