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Her slumber was filled with disturbing dreams.

When she woke Dawn was breaking through the windows.

The Capitol had a misty, haunted air.

Livia's head ached and she must have bitten into the side of her cheek in the night.

Her tongue probed the ragged flesh and she tasted blood.

Slowly, she drag herself out of bed and into the shower.

She arbitrarily punched buttons on the control board and ended up hopping from foot to foot as alternating jets of icy cold and steaming hot water assaulted her.

Then she was deluged in lemony foam that she had to scrape off with a heavy bristled brush.

Oh, well.

At least her blood was flowing.

When she was dried and moisturized with lotion, she found an outfit had been left for her at the front of the closet.

Tight black pants, a long-sleeved burgundy tunic, and leather shoes.

She put her hair in a messy bun atop her head.

Brutus didn't give them an exact time to meet for breakfast and no one had contacted her, but she was hungry so she headed down to the dining room, hoping there would be food.

She was not disappointed.

While the table was empty, a long board off to the side had been laid with at least twenty dishes.

A young man, an Avox, stood at attention by the spread.

When Livia asked if she could serve herself, he nodded assent.

Livia loaded a plate with eggs, sausages, batter cakes covered in thick orange preserves, slices of pale purple melon.

As she gorged herself, she watched the sun rise over the Capitol.

She had a second plate of hot grain smothered in beef stew.

Finally, she filled a plate with rolls and sat at the table, breaking oil bits and dipping them into hot chocolate, the way Cato did on the train.

Livia's mind wandered to her brothers.

They must be up.

The twins starting their early morning training and Dominic scribbling in a journal before school.

Just two mornings ago, she was home.

Could that be right?

Yes, just two.

And now how empty the house felt, even from a distance.

What did they say last night about her debut at the Games?

Did it give them hope, or simply add to their terror when they saw the reality of twenty-four tributes circled together, knowing only one could live?

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