Spy IMing 5

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Chameleon: What ended up happening, Bex? Wow, I feel like I’m asking what happened on the latest drama show.

Duchess: Just majorly yelled at Grant, don’t think it’s helping his being less intimidated by me, but then again he did ask me to be his girlfriend, right?

Bookworm: Jonas said he would hold my hand! :)

Peacock: Details Liz!

Shadow: Questioning my friend’s loyalties to me.

Hotshot: Trying to man up...

Hacker: I’ll be there for you, Liz. :)

Chameleon, Duchess, Bookworm, and Peacock have logged on

Peacock: Ok, no time for hellos if you want to do that, save it till later! Liz, details on the phone call, and there’s no backing out of this. ;)

Bookworm: Um, ok well as you all know (well maybe not Bex) Jonas called me-

Peacock: Just get on with it!

Bookworm: Sheesh! I was getting there, so anyway we were talking about all these chemicals and then randomly I said that my hands were cold and-

Peacock: Oooh, can I help you pick out some gloves, maybe mittens, I think those would look cute on you.

Chameleon: What happened to Liz finishing her story?

Peacock: Oh, right, no more interruptions!

Chameleon: *roles eyes*

Bookworm: Okay... so after that Jonas said that if he were there with me, he would hold my hands to keep them warm. That’s also why he said he’d be there for me on his status. :)

Peacock: Aww, that’s such a cute story! Btw he knew just what to say.

Chameleon: You guys just make the best little couple! ;)

Duchess: I’m really happy for you Liz, but if he’s ever not there for you just tell us girls, and we’ll make sure his bloody butt pays for all the bloody trouble he’s caused!

Bookworm: Well, thanks gals, I know you’ll always have my back!

Duchess: No problem and I say this for all of us. :)

Peacock: I don’t know some of this relationship watching can be pretty tiring, am I right, Cam?

Duchess: Macey!

Peacock: Oh, calm down, I was just kidding..... maybe... *queue evil laughter*

Chameleon: Oh my Macey, I think you should stop before you give Bex an under-aged heart attack or frighten someone.

Hacker has logged on

Hacker: Hello.

Bookworm: Hi, Jonas!

Chameleon: So what’s going on in your life Jonas?

Hacker: Oh, same old, same old, except this one huge part that makes me question why I was even alive before.

Bookworm: What part?

Hacker: You, Liz, you’re my world. :)

Bookworm: Oh.. *blushes* You’re mine, too, Jonas.

Bookworm and Hacker have logged off

Duchess: Well, I wonder where those two kids went...

Peacock: What are you suggesting, Bex?

Duchess: Nothing, absolutely nothing. ;)

Peacock: Uh huh, I’m so sure.

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