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Authors Note:


Went to the Ed Sheeran concert a few days ago WHOOO

I have been really been cringing at the last few chapters of AOS Truth Or Dare HAHA

Anyway let's get back to the story

Ward: Hey Fitz, what does this do?

Ward walked in to the room with a small blue gun

Fitz: NOOOOO don't touch that, it is very delicate!

Fitz quickly snatched the gun off Ward

Ward: Jeez I just want to know what it does

Ward rolled his eyes

Fitz: Let's just say it makes you look younger...

Ward: Wow awesome

Ward stared at the gun with wide eyes

Fitz: Trust me it is not as awesome as you think, don't touch it again

Ward smirked

Ward: Too late!

Ward snatched the gun and started running around the bus and Fitz ran after him

Fitz: HEY give that back it is very dangerous!

Coulson: Hey what's going on!

Fitz stopped running to catch his breath

Fitz: Sir he took the gun!

Coulson: What gun?

Fitz: You know THE gun!

Coulson: Oh shi...

Ward shot the gun at Coulson and a beam formed around him


Ward: Oh lighten up, I mean Coulson is pretty old and has so many wrinkles

Fitz: You don't understand...

Before Fitz could finish Coulson turned into a baby

Ward started with wide eyes

Ward: What the?

Fitz sighed

Fitz: Well I tried to make a gun to make someone look younger so people don't recognise them on missions, well... it didn't really work out

Ward: So it turns people into babies!?

Fitz: Well I told you it was dangerous why couldn't you just leave it alone!

Ward: Well excuse me...

Skye walked in the room with her hands on her hips

Skye: Well boys I couldn't help but overhear your situation

Baby Coulson started crying

Fitz: Look what you have done Ward!

Skye picked up Coulson

Skye: Stop fighting you two!

Fitz: I should have just destroyed the gun

Skye: How long until it wears off?

Fitz: Well the first agent I used it on lasted a few days I guess...

Ward: A FEW DAYS!?

Skye: let's all calm down

Coulson stopped crying

Skye: Awww Coulson likes me

Fitz sat the gun on the table

Fitz: What are we going to do?

Fitz said scratching his head

Skye: Well I guess we just have to look after Coulson until it wears off

Fitz: Oh fantastic

Fitz said sarcastically

Skye suddenly pinched her fingers on her nose

Fitz: Oh god

Fitz pinched his nose as well

Skye: Well I guess Ward is on poop duty

Skye handed Coulson to Ward

Ward: Ugh why me?

Ward whined

Skye: Well you are the one who started this mess Ward

Ward: Well Fitz should have destroyed the gun in the first place

Skye: Oh stop whinging Ward and do the job

Ward sighed

Ward: Fine

Fitz: Good luck Ward

Fitz patted Ward on the back

Ward: Yeah whatever...

Coulson started giggling

Ward: You pooped on purpose didn't you...

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