Simmons Truth Or Dare?

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Ward: Ok hmm...Simmons truth or dare?

Simmons: ...DARE!

Ward: Ok I dare you to tell your funniest joke to everyone. I'm asking this because you are a girl and I can't ask mean things if you're a girl. Ugh that was just the serum talking...

Simmons started to look excited. The group didn't really expect a funny joke from Simmons

Simmons: Ok this is really funny so try not to laugh

Fitz: Oh Gosh i'm probably going to laugh...

Simmons: So a neutron walks into a bar and asks "How much for a beer?"

The group started to look bored already

Simmons: The bartender says "For you, no charge" !!!!!

Suddenly Fitz and Simmons cracked out laughing while the rest of the group were in an awkward silence

Simmons: Hey Fitz you are so bad at trying not to laugh

May: Actually the rest of us weren't trying at all...

Fitz: Seriously Jemma's joke was hilarious why don't you think it's funny?!

Fitz said to Skye, May and Ward

Ward: Because it wasn't

Ward, May and Skye started to laugh

Fitz: Hey why are you laughing at what Ward said when it wasn't even a joke!

Simmons: Well I would like to see someone else try...

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