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Shang and [Y/n] arrive at their father's compound.

The siblings found their mother sitting under the blossom tree.

Shang approached her first.

"Mother." He called as he walked in front of her.

[M/n] raised her head to see her son standing in front of her.

She gasped happily. "Oh Shang, my son."

[M/n] embraced her son, holding him tight.

Shang hugged his mother as tight in return, not wanting to let her go one minute.

[M/n] pulled away from her son, and looked into his eyes fearfully. Then she looked behind him, then to him again.

"W….where's your sister?"

[Y/n] walked out of where she was, making her mother gasp.

[Y/n] walked towards her mother timidly, and knelt down in front of her.

"[Y/n]!" Her mother exclaimed happily, with relief.


"Oh my daughter."

[M/n] pulled her daughter up and hugged her tight, [Y/n] returning the hug.

"I am so glad you are safe."

"I'm so sorry Mama."

"It's okay my dear." [M/n] pulled back holding her daughter's face in her hands. "You're here now, that's what most important."

[Y/n] laughed as tears trickled from her face, holding her mother's hand.

"Mother you should be proud. Your daughter saved all of China." Shang announced making [Y/n] playfully glare at him.

"Oh is that so?" [M/n] asked?

"Hey, if not for Shang's training I wouldn't have gotten anywhere. Your son is the Captain of the greatest troop in all of China, Mama."

"Well, I don't mean to brag. But uh…it's kinda true." Shang said smugly making the two women laugh.

"Well I'm sure your father would be proud of both of you."

The siblings immediately looked down at that.


[M/n] led the siblings to their family altar, and the three kneel before it. 

[Y/n] placed the sword and the pendant in front of the altar.

"Papa. I've brought you the sword of Shan Yu and the Crest of the Emperor. They're gifts to honor the Li Family."

The three bow before the altar, saying a small prayer to their ancestors.

"We really wish you were here with us Father." Shang said.

[M/n] started crying softly, making her two kids hug her from both sides.

Meng watched them from where she was standing at the gate with Jet, who was a little grown now.

"Hmmph. She brings home a sword. If you ask me, she should've brought home a man!" She complained.

"Excuse me." The two turn to see a handsome young man standing at their gate, holding a helmet.

Meng's jaw dropped. "Does Li [Y/n] live here?"

Meng and Jet pointed to where she was, and Mulan walked in that direction.

Jet smirked at his mother.

"Who were saying Ma?"

Shang noticed Mulan walking towards them and he smirked.

"Oh uh…Mother, looks like your daughter finally has a suitor." He said teasingly.

The two women turn to see Mulan stop in front of them.

[M/n] hid a small smile.

"Captain Li Shang. Ma'am." Mulan greeted, then he turned to [Y/n].

"[Y/n]! Uhhhh……you forgot your helmet. Well it's not your helmet……it's your father's….but it's yours now…I mean…"

[Y/n] giggled taking the helmet from him.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" She asked.

"Would you like to stay forever?" [M/n] asked teasingly.

"Mama!" [Y/n] exclaimed, blushing deeply.

"Dinner would be great." Mulan replied instead.

And so the Li family sat at the dinner table, chatting and telling tales of the war with their guest.

Oh and lest we forget.

[Y/n] spotted a certain small dragon on her windowsill.

She picked up the pitcher. "I'll be right back, let me go get this refilled."

"Hey Mushu. Did you come with Mulan?"

"Oh yeah I did. Tell ya what? Cause Mulan helped saved China, I got my guardian job back." Mushu told her.

"Oh really?"

"You bet I did. And I got the top pedestal. The top pedestal baby."

[Y/n] laughed and kissed his head. "Thanks Mushu."


~ And that's a wrap. Phew finally. Thank all of y'all who patiently waited for this story to be updated. I love all of you😘

I'm really grateful for all of you

Now onto the ATLA story.

First chapter of that story will be up December 1st.

Follow me here at PetraGirlPsych, and tell your friends who are ATLA fans too.

It's going to be amazing I promise

Oh and watch out for my Christmas Special too.

See ya later lovelies


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