Chapter 6: The outfit

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"Please clarify what you mean by 'stuff' "

"My clothes are designed to suit my aesthetic." The PT reminds Leo who was still baring the tutor from leaving the bedroom.

"Yes...but...this trip is incognito. The other participant mustn't know you are a tutor, otherwise the plan won't work." Leo explains, watching The PT's pupils dilate then return to normal.


"Experiment...I mean experiment." Leo quickly corrects his wording. The 'experiment' to explore emotional responses, not because Leo didn't want to be left alone with Anna.

The PT nods in acknowledgement. "If it is to aid your learning, then I will do what is required."

Leo relaxes a little, a smile slowly spreading across his face. "Ok. Now let's see what I have in here." He begins to rummage around his closet. They seem a similar height and build, so finding something to fit The PT shouldn't be too difficult. He finally decides on a pair of plain blue jeans, a dark casual shirt and a maroon and mustard stripy jumper. "This will bring out your eyes." Leo says before wondering what the hell he was talking about.

"It is not advised that my visual portals are removed." The PT responds.

"I...I don't mean that." Leo suddenly becomes very flustered. "I mean it makes the colour of your eyes look more obvious....but I don't know why I said that anyways." Leo shakes his head at no one but himself. Clearing his throat, he lays the clothes on his bed. " will you change into these clothes for me?"

"I cannot." The PT replies, turning to look at the clothes.

Leo frowns at the tutor, feeling frustration burning from within. "We've just been through this. It's for the experiment."

"I cannot physically undress. I am a level one Tutor. I am auditory only, with limited kinesthetic abilities."

"What the hell does that mean?" Leo asks, his voice now getting a little raised.

"I tutor using my voice only. I cannot demonstrate. My physical abilities are limited to walking, standing, sitting, using steps and low level contact. If you would like to upgrade the kinesthetic package, it is available on"

Leo sighs very loudly. "Does this mean I have to undress you then?"

"Correct." The PT replies.

Leo looks at his tutor standing next to him. He had only undressed another person before, that being Harley on his last birthday, when he had drunk too much. But this seemed weird. Leo kind of wished The PT was real. Then he wouldn't have so many hang ups about how strangely curious he felt about the situation.

"Okay." Leo says mainly to himself under his breath, as he stands face to face with The PT. He lifts up his hands and removes The PTs glasses, revealing the deep green hue of the tutor's eyes, the irises constantly moving clockwise and anticlockwise, causing Leo to be momentarily mesmerised by them. "Your eyes...Why do they do that...move like that?" Leo finds himself asking.

"I constantly process information to add to my data bank." The PT replies.

Leo frowns, looking confused. "What are you possibly learning right now?"

"You have a raise in temperature, from when you were standing by the door just now. I am processing the possible reason why." The PT replies, scanning the small bead of sweat forming on Leo's forehead.

Leo laughs, wiping his brow with the back of one of his hands. "I'm sweating because... because..." why was he hot all of a sudden?

"If I may say, according to my knowledge base, you are sweating because you are experiencing an adrenaline rush, due to an unexpected event." The unexpected event being one of undressing his tutor who looked overly real. Though Leo wasn't going to admit that.

"Yeah so...I could have told you that. Who can predict what will happen next? Adrenaline is normal." Leo bites back. This time The PT doesn't respond. "Arms by your side" Leo says with the tutor obliging as two arms relax either side as Leo lowers the jacket off of The PT's shoulders. Leo drops the garment onto the bed and finds himself patting The arms back down.

Now it was time for the shirt. Carefully Leo takes off the tie, revealing a crisp clean shirt underneath. "I'm going to undo your buttons now." He announces quietly, as if asking permission.

"Yes." The PT says as he stands statuesque, waiting for the task to be undertaken.

Leo swallows down his watering mouth, as he starts to undo the fastenings. With each one slowly coming undone, Leo could feel himself getting hotter and hotter. He glances up at The PT, its irises again swirling around like dials as the synthetic flesh slowly begins to reveal itself.

Now all the buttons were undone. Leo slowly takes his hands to the shirt's collar, carefully peeling the fabric away from the fake skin. Leo comes over all strange as he lets the shirt fall from his hands, in awe at the half naked android in front of him.

He looks over the smooth skin, it seems so real, but at the same time, too perfect to be real. The PT's design was meticulous! Sculpted by true craftspeople. The chest was so firm, it even had nipples. A neat belly button sat on a soft stomach. Leo pulls his lips into his own mouth, biting delicately on them. He really wanted to know. What does it feel like?

Leo raises his right hand and hovers a palm over The PT's chest. With just the tips of his fingers, he reaches out. The skin feels soft. Almost like clay, though not too cold to touch.

This though causes Leo's own heart to beat fast and as he looks up at The PT, he can see the eyes spinning like crazy.

"Why do you look and feel so real?" Leo asks, continuing to lightly press the contours of The PT's chest, now with both sets of fingers glossing over the surface.

"My design is based on the creator's son." The PT replies.

"The creator's son." Leo repeats to himself. "And how authentic are you?" Leo swallows hard as his hands slowly edge towards the trouser, glancing down at the belt.

"I am 100% accurate, every detail in place." The PT responds ending with a small dimpled smile.

"So you have a... you know?" Leo points to The PT's crotch area.

"If you are referring to genitalia, then yes I have. Tutors are designed to teach all areas of learning, according to their needs." The PT informs.

"So If i wanted to, you know... you could teach me...stuff?" Leo asks, a little apprehensive.

"Please clarify. What do you mean by 'stuff'?" The PT looks at Leo, its eyes momentarily stilling. stuff." Leo whispers, edging a little closer to The PT's ear.

"I am a level one tutor with auditory only, if you would like the mature learner pack please go to"

Leo suddenly comes to his senses, retracting his hands and stepping back. He clears his throat..."You know, those trousers will look just fine."

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