Epilogue: Full circle

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"And that is why I can't take you to places like this."

Seven years have passed...

As the velvet stage curtains draw closed, Leo closes his eyes and inhales deeply, taking in the moment. The sound of the rapturous applause, the atmosphere engulfing his senses. He was here. He had finally made it.

"Well done Leo. That was amazing!" A fellow actor pats him on the back as he passes. 

"Thanks...and you." The other guy waves back in response. He stands there for a few moments more, before making his way from the stage to his dressing room, the sound of the applause still going strong as it fades slightly. 

He enters the dressing room to more claps and cheers from the small support team which worked backstage. "Hey stop it." He says in jest. A little embarrassed by all of the praise. He is soon ushered into a seat as a makeup artist begins to get items ready to remove his makeup. He rests himself in the chair and closes his eyes in thought...

Cameron, if you could see me now, you'd be so proud of me.

He opens his eyes and sighs heavily. "Everything ok?" The makeup assistant asks.

"Yeah, everything's fine." He replies. It's then he notices the large bouquet of flowers in the reflection of the mirror. "I have flowers?" He questions. 

"Oh yes, they came during your performance." She replies, now clearing away the equipment, leaving Leo with a nice clean face. 

"Thank you." He responds. She soon heads out of the room, leaving him alone, apart from a couple of stage hands.

Leo gets up from his seat and makes his way to the flowers, the colours of pink and cream. He leans in, taking in the scent, before locating the card, with the words.

To my famous actor friend

Written on it. He opens up the envelope and takes out the little card and begins to read.

Hey Leo, 

Sorry we couldn't be there tonight but babies show up when they feel like it.

Hope is doing well and little Maya is beautiful. Your handsomeness has a rival.

I know you will smash it tonight. You always knew how to make a scene on stage!

Looking forward to seeing you soon, Maya needs a cuddle from her favourite handsome uncle.

Harley and Hope. 

Leo returns the card back into the envelope and smiles to himself. He was pleased for his friend. Harley and Hope had gone through a tough time, especially with what went on between himself and Anna, but they got through it. Anna eventually sought counselling for her erratic behaviour, she met a man and moved to the states. 

Knock knock

Leo looks up to see the door open slightly and a head poke around it. "Can I come in?" 

Leo nods as his father now enters the dressing room. He lifts up the pass attached to a lanyard around his neck. "I can't believe I need one of these to see my own son." He says chuckling.

"Yeah I'm sorry dad, but I'm valuable goods now." Leo jokes back. 

His dad now notices the flowers. "You have an admirer?" He questions.

"No, they're from Harley, he couldn't make it because Hope had just had the baby." He smiles. 

His father smiles back. "I wondered for a moment whether they would be from..."

"From mum?" Leo guesses.

"Yeah." His father replies.

"No, she didn't even show. I sent her tickets but she hasn't come. I don't know why I'm surprised, I mean she hasn't come to any of my plays. It's as if she's waiting for me to slip up, just to say 'I told you so' you know?" 

"Well then." Leo's dad places a hand on his shoulder. "You will just have to prove her wrong. You were amazing tonight. I'm so proud of you Leo. Cameron would be too."

"I know." Leo says, smiling fondly of the memory as he looks down. 

"I did the right thing didn't I? You know, donating his body for technological research?" He looks up at his dad, questioning.

"Yes you did. They have learned a lot from studying him and don't forget, Jojo got an apprenticeship with King corporations because of it."

Leo is glad of that. If it wasn't for Jojo, he would have never gotten to where he was now. "Enzo and Jojo want to facetime you later from Japan." His father adds.

Another knock is now heard at the door. "Hey, can we come in?" Yan is peering round the doorframe, followed by a very starstruck Ralph. Yan approaches Leo and wraps his arms around him. "You were fantastic out there, had Ralph in bits."

Leo smiles looking over Yan's shoulder to Ralph who did indeed look like he had been crying. "Sorry Ralph." Leo says with a light chuckle.

"You're so good Leo, your performance moved me so much I felt like I was really living it." Ralph says in awe of it all.

"You'd think I didn't take him out much to places." Yan says, rolling his eyes at the spectacle, as he pulls away from the hug. 

"Did you see the celebrities?" Ralph questions. "I saw a couple of people from the tv I swear!" 

"Celebrities?...Who did you see? Leo is intrigued.

"...And this is why I can't take you to places like this. You get yourself too excited." Yan says with a fond smile.

"Mr Alessi?" 

Leo turns to see one of the backstage workers approach him. "Yes? Is everything ok?"

"Yes everything's fine sir, it's just that there's someone outside who wants to see you." He informs.

"See me? Who?"

Leo doesn't get any time to hear a response as the door once again opens...

In steps a man, with slicked mid brown hair, styled in a neat parting, wearing a very smart tailored suit. His fingers adorn a couple of large rings, which are adjusting the deep red tie gracing his neck. A hand is outstretched towards Leo as he looks at him with a big dimpled smile. Then he speaks. "I just want to introduce myself. You might not know me but I'm a big fan of yours. My name is..."

"... Cameron." Leo finishes the sentence, his heart is in his throat as he utters the words. "You're...Cameron King!" 

"Yes I am." He chuckles. "Have we met?" 

"Well, yes and no." Leo says, smiling shyly.

"I don't understand?" Cameron furrows his eyebrows.

"Well..." Leo lets out a joyous laugh. "Let me take you out to dinner and I'll tell you all about it." 


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