Chapter 24

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A/N - I am sorry.

"I'm sorry, dad," Tessa sobbed. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she caressed her father's tombstone, guilt eating her up.

Would he be mad? Would he be disappointed? Would he hate her? She tried to bury her thoughts, shove them down before they consumed her and made her turn away. 

She needed to do this. She needed to put her son first. She couldn't be selfish anymore. She had to be better than her mother, she had to protect her child. 

Her body tensed when she felt something cold on her back and the sound of the safety being off filled her ears.

"I thought you wouldn't come," she heard the voice she had hated for a very long time. 

Tessa turned her head and glared at the man she had been running from for three years, "You leave my family alone. And I'm all yours."

A few hours ago

Tessa tickled James making him giggle and coo, her eyes drifted off to the note she had received a few hours ago. 

James or you?

The choice is yours, my love.


She knew what she had to do. She knew she had to protect her son at all costs. 

Tessa grabbed her phone from the nightstand and closed her eyes shut. Call. Click.

"Theresa," he sang. She flinched. 

"Benjamin," she gritted out, hatred filling her eyes as she clenched her fist.

"I knew you would call," he said.

"If I give myself up to you, you leave my family alone," she bargained.

"Done," Benjamin said in a heartbeat, she was all he wanted anyways.

"Meet me at the Mystic Falls Cemetery tonight."

"I'll see you soon, my precious flower," Benjamin sang making Tessa choke in a sob as she hung up the phone. 

She needed to do this. She needed to be strong. 

Tessa fumbled with the pen as she wrote her letter to her friends. She couldn't face them. She couldn't tell them what she was doing.

She closed the cap on the pen, a few treacherous tears flew down her cheeks and fell onto the paper, smudging the black ink just a bit.

The brunette folded the paper and placed it on the bed. She grabbed her stele and hid it in her jeans. Benjamin was not aware of the Shadow World and of her supernatural identity. And she was going to use it against him. 

"I'm sorry," she whispered to Aaron, he was sleeping on his bed. His hair was a mess and he was cuddling with his son's teddy bear making Tessa smile at him through her unshed tears.

She snuck out of the house and made her way to the cemetery. She wanted to be with her father one last time before she gave herself up to Benjamin.

She needed her father. 


"I'm sorry, dad," Tessa sobbed. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she caressed her father's tombstone, guilt eating her up.

Would he be mad? Would he be disappointed? Would he hate her? She tried to bury her thoughts, shove them down before they consumed her and made her turn away.

She needed to do this. She needed to put her son first. She couldn't be selfish anymore. She had to be better than her mother, she had to protect her child.

Her body tensed when she felt something cold on her back and the sound of the safety being off filled her ears.

"I thought you wouldn't come," she heard the voice she had hated for a very long time.

Tessa turned her head and glared at the man she had been running from for three years, "You leave my family alone. And I'm all yours."

Benjamin gave her a menacing smile, his eyes glinting with amusement and cruelty. "You're all mine," he mumbled softly before grabbing the brunette and pulling her roughly with him. 

He was surprised when she didn't try to fight him. He sped to a van and threw her inside the passenger seat.

"We're going to have so much fun together, Theresa."

A/N - I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in so long. Sorry, the chapter is short and not really that good, I'm kinda going through writer's block (again). xoxo.

Tessa | The Vampire Diaries x ShadowhuntersWhere stories live. Discover now