Special gift

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I don't own Pokèmon all rights go to their respective owners

3rd person POV

It was a rainy night and in the distance we see a palace but the rota palace and inside a young woman with blonde hair that reaches the middle of her black and with a tiara with a blue royalty dress and a mime Jr by her side and they are walking through palace leaving a pokèmon nursery and then as the pass the front door the young queen hears something strange a baby crying so she goes to open the front door to see what's going on but when she opens up the door she only sees the rain falling down but hears the crying again but it sounds closer but than looks down and sees a basket and hears a crying coming from it and she decides to bring it in but brings it in to her sitting area and sits on the floor while on her knees and places the basket on the couch and then opens it up and finds a baby crying inside and a zorua trying to calm him down but then notices the young queen stands infront on the baby protectively but the queen places a hand a zorua's head and strokes it gently and zorua starts to calm down but still doesn't leave it's protective position but zorua looks at the queen's eyes and saw she meant no harm and stepped aside and the queen picked up the baby boy and looked at him careful he had black hair but he opened his eyes there a brown colour but his tears slowly started to stop and then the sadness in his eyes was replaced with curiosity and he tried reaching to touch her face and she smiled and she brought the baby closer and when he touched her face his eyes and hands glowed a light blue and the young queen was suddenly transported into a void and then looked at her hands but noticed the baby is missing and she started panicking but then a vision became visible and what she saw a strange site she saw what was possibly the childs birth mother but what shocked her the most was it is that champion red was next to the woman and then she realized that champion red was his father but she heard the conversation between them and Red said to the boy's birth mother"Delia he's beautiful he has your eyes and if he has your eyes his going to have your kindness I'm sure he'll be a naughty cheeky prankster but his love for pokèmon will know no limit I just hope team rocket doesn't find out about him and his aura gift cause Giovanni will do anything to get his hands on him but Delia my dear have you figured out a name for him"red looks at Delia and she smiles at him and then looks down at the baby that's sleeping and she says "of course red I know all that but his name will be Ashura Richard Ketchum I chose the first name cause it just felt it should be special but his middle and last name is your middle name but my surname will stick with him no questions asked red that's how it will stay understand?"Delia looked at him with a warning look if he did try to argue with her that's what he loved about her, it was her kindness but also her feistiness is also what drew him to her but it can be scary sometimes but then the young queen was pulled back into realty and look at the baby and he looked at her in worry with his head leaning to the side show his concern and confusion

unknown place

A young woman with brown hair and brown eyes in a long pink shirt and blue skirt but white flat shoes was running through the storm but a net was shot and it wrapped around her and the people she was running from surrounded her but one man came from them and looked down at and asked her"Where is the boy" and the young woman looked up at him in fear but smirked a second later and said to him with a smug smile"You'll never find him he's out of your reach and you won't get your filthy hands on him so punish me hurt me and break me I'll never tell you where he is even if my life depended on it cause you kill the love of my life and at least if I die I'll join him and know my son is safe from you" the man that she spoke to looked at her in disgust her son was the key to him conquering the world but it now out of his grasp and might never come back so he grabbed her by her hair and then slapped her across the face and she hit the floor with a grunt and looked up at him she now had a bruise on her face and blood leaking from her mouth but then the grunts picked her up and dragged her and threw her in the car and the man who was the boss which is the man who slapped her said in the coldest tone possible"I will not kill you you'll live as long I'm sure he'll come looking for you after all a child will always come looking for there real parents if the adopted parent lies to them and when that day comes team rocket goals will be realized and you'll have a front row seat" the young woman hoped her child wouldn't come looking for her when he's old enough cause she wanted  him to be out of the evil teams hands

Back at the palace

The queen was having a joyous moment with the baby she had grown fond of him so she decided to adopt him as a her own but during that moment Jenny her maid came in a saw her and the young queen saw jenny and brought the baby in hers and held him in her arms and the maid looked very content knowing that the queen was happy"Jenny please change him and bath him get a small meal for him ready cause tomorrow I'm going to get adoption papers cause this child may the best thing to happen to me"and so the young queen handed him over but he wasn't happy and started crying for her cause he didn't want her to leave but the young queen saw this and stroked his cheek and said to him"Shhh it's okay your just getting a bath and change from my helper but zoura will be with you okay you'll see mommy when your done okay" the black haired baby was calmed down and understood but still had small sniffles, she smiles softly takes him in her arms hugs him close and kisses his forehead then she looks at her helper"Jenny as a matter of fact I'll bath him and feed him if you're okay with me doing that that is" jenny looks at her happily and says" it's no worries your majesty I'm happy to see you take such an interest in this young baby"

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