Growing pain years

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3rd person POV

7 years later

It has been a very interesting time in the rota palace and it's grown very interesting but one person in especially is not having fun "Ashura richard arona come back here this second young man" a loud voice said that sounded female and it was queen Ilene but right now she is having a little trouble , a small giggle was heard in the palace halls a 7 year old child was running around naked while Ilene was chasing after him and she said to him"Ash get back here little man I'm not done drying you and dressing you young man"and then the young ash just chuckled and continued to run and said" You can't catch mommy I'm faster then you" but what he did not count on was a pair of hands picked him and he could feel the texture of the hands he knew who it was and said"Put me down Zoroark I wasn't ready for mommy to catch me" but he was then taken by queen Ilene arms while she was holding a towel and brought him close and said "Ash as much as I loving playing games with you we must get ready cause we have guests coming today and I would like to present you as presentable as possible okay but I promise once it's done we can spend a whole day together just you and me no one else okay I promise" ash looks at her and he says to her "You pinky promise mommy" queen Ilene looks at Ash as he held up his pinky and smiled softly and replies by saying"Yes I pinky promise "She takes her pinky and brings it to ash's pinky and then she starts walking and they enter ash's room which has toys and books in one corner and a set of fossils in the other corner then a poster with Lance and his mega gyrados on his wall then a pichu ralts riolu froakie rockruff yamper charmander and multiple Eevee all come out to greet their owner the queen Ilene unwraps the towel and hands ash his clothes and he gets dressed in a blue suit (think of a toddler version of his outfit in Pokémon XYZ Episode 12 but without the gloves and the blue ruffle at the cuffs) Ilene gets a hairbrush and brushes his hair but with a bit of difficulty and the Ash said" OW mom that hurts don't treat my hair like a bush it hurts you know and try to gentle" Ilene quickly apologized but after half an hour, ash and Ilene head out and go wait at the front of the palace and stood at the gates with Jenny not far behind and then they heard hooves approaching and three carriages one had an icy blue design with rapidash at the reins and the second one was bright pink with gogoats pulling it and the last one was black with gold leaf design and each came to a stop and of the first one stepped a man and a woman with a younger woman in a maids uniform and a little girl with blue hair and a light blue dress stepped out last and she was holding a togepi in her arms was laughing, the next carriage occupants stepped out it was a woman with light brown hair and a little girl with honey blonde hair came out after her and she had  a lion cub like pokémon next to her and the last carriage stepped out a couple in smart attire and a small with purplish green hair girl came out as well but ran to keep close to her mother

Author not I know I haven't updated the stories in a while but I assure you I haven't given up things on my end haven't been going well but I promise to update when I get a chance so please forgive me

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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