Chapter 122

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A round of fireworks had finally ended!

The house quieted down at last.

The satisfied man revealed a pleased smile while he held the exhausted woman in his arms.

After more than halfa month of abstinence, he got back what he missed including the interest!

It felt extremely comfortable to fondle her smooth and delicate shoulder. However, the two circular scars caused by the two burn marks at the crook of her arms looked extremely unpleasant to the eyes!

He caressed the tvwo scars gently with his huge rough hand and Jennie's body trembled slightly!

All women would care about the imperfections on their bodies. Besides, it was in front of the man that she cared about.

"I will find you the best dermatologist in the world to remove these two scars!"

Lisa said while he planted a kiss on her damp hair. He sighed in his heart emotionally as he noticed that her hair had grown quickly. Her hair turned froma short bob around her ears to a
medium length hair over her shoulders!

Jennie instantly opened her eyes wide open but her head was still leaning against his chest motionlessly.

"There is no need to remove it!" "No one else will see it other than you!"

In fact, Jennie wanted to say that the scars were a good reminder. of the warning that he gave her...


The scene at the family dinner died down lightly.

Jennie had troubled Yeji by burning Nancy's hand. That was because Yeji would need to go to the Upper Mansion to apply medication on her wounds every two days.

As the child of the Manoban Family, Yeji had only been to the Upper Mansion a couple of times. However, she had gotten so many chances this time because of Nancy.

When Lisa went to visit the Old Mistress, he conveniently asked about Nancy's injury and fixed the dates for her to move to Liu Li Villa.

The burn injury was just a small matter to Nancy. She was actually more bothered by the fact that she had to delay spending time alone with Lisa at the Liu Li Villa.

She was even more frustrated with the fact that she had to bring Yuan Tian along as a third wheel.

Even so, she could not offend Yeji as she was the one who will be changing the dressing on her wound. Moreover, it was very difficult for Yuan Xuan to take back his words.

Nancy could tell without using her brain that Lisa was using Yeji as an excuse.

This Fifth Miss was immune to both soft and hard tactics. Moreover, she was also Jennie's most loyal supporter.

Even if Jennie was not present, she will not need to worry as long as Yeji was there.


In December, the trip to Liu Li Villa had finally begun!

Before leaving, Lisa was hoping that Jennie would suggest coming along with them.

At the very least, it would mean that she still cared about him.

However, Jennie disappointed him once again!

Jennie was cold and her attitude towards Lisa was still carefree.

There was a fire in Lisa's heart that he had. nowhere to release.

The two of them were like little children quarreling. In both of their hearts, they wanted the other party to care a little more!

Unfortunately, they were both very stubborn and would rather run their heads against the wall than giving into each other...


The second day after Lisa left, Jennie rushed to the hospital to visit Shin Hye.

She had been to the hospital many times and found out that the place only seemed peaceful on the surface. There were many hidden guards around and there were more than a pair of eyes staring at her.

Initially, she was planning to bring Shin Hye out of the hospital while Lisa was in Liu Li Villa.

To her disappointment, Tian Qi actually guarded the hospital personally!

Lisa brought Yan Jun, Yeji, and Nancy along, leaving Kang Yu to be in charge of the company. The only one that he did not bring along was Tian Qi...

Tian Qi was a simple-minded person and he will not listen to anyone other than Lisa.

"Young Mistress, you should leave!"

As expected, right after Jennie finished cleaning Shin Hye up, Tian Qi urged her to leave with a straight face.

Without needing to think, Jennie knew in her heart that it was Lisa's order.

She was extremely furious. Lisa had never trusted her!

Nonetheless, she was indeed not trustworthy...

She was very upset but she could not express her emotions. Thus, Jennie smiled at Tian Qi and said, "Tian Qi, the weather today looks very good, I need your help to..."

"Young Master said that Madam Park is not allowed to leave this room!"

Jennie, "..."

Jennie could feel ten thousand horses galloping in her heart and she secretly cursed Lisa's eighteen generations of ancestors...

Shin Hye had recovered to the point where she no longer needed life support. Jennie just wanted to bask her under the sun but Lisa actually gave such an order!

He was being so unreasonable and it drove her crazy!


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