07 • Lollipops

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When the bedroom door creaked open, Rocky slipped right through and jumped on our bed

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When the bedroom door creaked open, Rocky slipped right through and jumped on our bed. Tackling Camilla and licking her face like she had a dog treat shoved in her pocket.

"I missed you too, boy!" Camilla giggled, scratching him behind the ears and hugging him to her chest.

I watched the two of them in awe.

A giant sapphire was on Camilla's ring finger, and she was smiling. To say I was relieved was a fucking understatement.


This was my family now. These two were my whole world.

I pulled Rocky off Camilla and put him between us on the bed. His tail wagging back and worth.

Camilla turned to me wearing the biggest smile I'd ever seen. "Thank you for bringing him here. I didn't realize how much I missed him."

"Of course," I said, staring back at this girl who was going to be my wife. My wife. I almost couldn't even believe how good it sounded, despite the circumstances. And the craziest part was how happy she seemed. I had no clue what I did to deserve a girl this amazing, but I was going to keep trying to be worthy of her. "This house wouldn't be a home without him."

Fitzpatrick cleared his throat from the doorway, and my grin immediately turned to a scowl.

Camilla glanced over at the rat, then back to me. "What does he want?"

"No clue. Maybe he'll say something instead of standing over there, mouth breathing."

Fitzpatrick took a tentative step inside our room. "Your parents need to speak with you downstairs in the parlor. They're blocking out next week's schedule and would like your input."

My input had never been asked before. "Why?"

Fitzpatrick nodded. He glanced over at my fiancée, and the sudden urge to wrap my hands around his neck again surfaced. "I don't know. But they want to speak with you. Both of you."

I patted Rocky on the head, then cast a look at Camilla, who was frowning.

"I can take the dog down to the kennels while—"

"Like hell you will!" Camilla shouted. A surge of pride swelled in my chest. "You don't get to touch my dog or put him anywhere without my consent, or you might find yourself locked in a kennel. Do you understand me, Lieutenant Fitzpatrick?"

Rocky growled then barked at Fitzpatrick. "Good boy," I said under my breath.

Connor flushed a new shade of red. Like a chameleon about to get eaten by a hungry she-wolf.

"I'm only following the admiral's orders, Camilla."

That single comment seemed to flip Camilla's switch. And just like that, my girl lost any sympathy she was still holding for this clown. I was grateful she finally saw him the way I did.

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