22 • Turbulence

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Our flight to Martha's Vineyard was as turbulent—in every sense of the word

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Our flight to Martha's Vineyard was as turbulent—in every sense of the word.

Even though our flight path was a clear shot across the Rhode Island Sound towards the Edgartown, a ritzy town on the eastern side of the island where multi-million dollar estates dotted the land, we had much to discuss.

The approach. The winds. The visibility. It was a blur of hasty planning and evaluating risks that made me more nervous than I'd initially been.

Thankfully, our skydiving helmets came equipped with microphones so we could hear each other over the deafening thrum of the engine.

Somewhere over the Sound, as the plane jostled us up and down, South decided it was time to interrogate Connor about Lydie and his part in covering up her murder.

"Camilla deserves the truth, and I want the rest of the story." South hand protectively snaked around my waist, holding me closer to him like he could absorb the shock with his body. "No more bullshit. What happened to Lydie Isley?"

We hit another pocket of turbulence, and I bit my tongue, mentally cursing as the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

When I looked at Connor, he seemed to have been waiting for my full attention. Pool blue eyes bright even in the darkened plane.

"It started the night I received the orders from Admiral Tenney to arrange for your sister's... accident," Connor said into the headset, his nervous voice filling my helmet. "After reading the specifics, I struggled with the morality of it. Lydie was a fellow officer. Not just a criminal."

I leaned forward. "Oh, you struggled, did you? How admirable," I gritted out.

South pulled me back against his chest, taking a slow, steady breath in and out, which made me slow my own breath.

"I'm not a monster," Connor replied. "As much as you might believe that right now. There are things about me you don't understand, Camilla. Things I could explain if you'd talk to me alone—"

"Not a fucking chance," South spat out.

I couldn't believe Connor thought I wanted to talk to him again after this confession.

Bellamy sputtered out a laugh before slapping Connor on the back of the helmet. "Just finish the story, Romeo. We ain't got all evening."

Connor leaned his head against the bulkhead of the plane and continued, staring up and not at me. "I read Lydie's file and the plan Admiral Tenney wanted me to carry out, feeling sick. So, I drove to Lydie's address. Wanting to see this girl Admiral Tenney wanted dead. It sounds creepy, but I watched her sitting on her porch, laughing and playing Cards Against Humanity with a group of friends. She looked so...happy. Carefree, even. And innocent. I knew right then I couldn't go through with the order. So, I drove away from the house and made a new plan."

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