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Pu Fang originally had the boy with her give Yan Hui the acupuncture treatment. But after the night where they shared the pilfered chicken, she took the responsibility upon herself again.

Every time Yan Hui arrived for treatment, Pu Fang expelled everyone from the room. Even her assistant that was there to learn wasn't allowed to learn. The large room was solely occupied by Yan Hui and Pu Fang. Then Pu Fang used took Yan Hui's treatment time as a an opportunity to pour out all her repressed feelings.

Yan Hui refused at first.

"Mmhm, you went to San Chong Mountain to gather medicinal herbs and bumped into the xian petrol by accident. Then you panicked and ran away, then a young xian cultivator overtook you, then you fought with him, then you two somehow fell into a magic array, then you two fell in a love-hate relationship in the array, then you guys got out of the array, then he didn't kill you and let you go, then........"

Taking advantage of the time when Pu Fang was switching needles, Yan Hui expressionlessly said: " became like how you are now..........ah!"

Yan Hui sucked in a quick breath. Pu Fang had fiercely stabbed her with a needle.

"I can't talk to anyone else about this. Only to you," said Pu Fang. "It doesn't matter if you find me annoying, but you can't tell anyone about this. I know better than anyone else that you're annoyed, but you can't tell me that. But if you can't hold it in your grumbling anymore, that's fine. It'll be just like before, I'll stab you harder with the needle. If you keep complaining, then maybe my mood won't be so good, and I'll prick you until I draw blood. If you end up bleeding, I can't guarantee it won't leave a scar."

Seeing as she was pretty attractive..........Yan Hui gritted her teeth and held her tongue. After all, her face had several more days of acupuncture treatment to go.

Pu Fang stuck another needle in Yan Hui's face and sighed: "I miss him again........I want to know what he's doing right now, who he's meeting, what he's saying. Those mortals' shows always sing about how longing is like poison. Before I didn't understand, but now I completely do."

Yan Hui dead-eyed rolled her eyes at Pu Fang's yearning. Pu Fang sighed again when she finished talking and whispered, "I really miss him."

Yan Hui looked at Pu Fang, who was lost in thought. She said, "Don't do anything stupid." Yan Hui's tone was much more serious than her usual flippant voice toward Pu Fang. "There's tension between the xian and demons. There are military guards patrolling San Chong Mountain at the boundary around the clock. Don't think you can run around like before no matter how familiar you are with the area." Yan Hui's solemn gaze bored into Pu Fang. "Times have changed."

Pu Fang was shaken by Yan Hui's intense look. It was like Yan Hui's sharp look had probed into her inner heart's plan. Her hand shook, stabbing the needle until it drew blood.

Yan Hui sharply inhaled a breath. She turned over and got up: "Can you be more professional?! Focus on your work, not on men! I'm bleeding! There's going to be a scar! Compensate me!"

Pu Fang focused at the last part of Yan Hui's tirade. She smirked: "You didn't even pay me! Compensate what?! I'll pay you back a needle, lay back down!" She pressed Yan Hui down and extremely efficiently pricked Yan Hui with skill. "How could a great doctor like me be unable to cure your small wound?"

"It was bleeding. Did you say you couldn't guarantee there wouldn't be a scar if I bled?"

"It was to scare you! Lay down. If you talk back, I'll made the next needle painful."

Yan Hui: "........."

Pu Fang pressed Yan Hui back down and lightly wiped away the blood droplet. Suddenly, she spoke: "You're learning that dragon demon's magic, right?"

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