Chapter 44

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Karthik was in his room changing after Aadhira had drenched him completely with the water hose. He was lost in his thoughts, do you think after all this she can two time anyone.. use someone as a timepass.. in all the time you spent with her.. What if it was an act.. what it was The Act she was talking about!!.. to make the guy realise his responsibilities.. all she kept saying was nobody would date a guy who doesn't care about his responsibilities or parents or studies.. what if.. What if that was an act all along.. what would you do then..

I.. I.. just go ask her about it.. she trusted you enough to let you in on her sorrow.. what would you do if all of it was an act and you wasted more than 7.5 years on all this.. would you want to waste more time.. No.. I don't want to.. but how do I ask her.. what do I tell her.. I was madly, crazily and unconditionally in love with her yet I couldn't trust her over my eyes which saw something unacceptable.. which probably could have been an act all along.. that I could have come to know if.. if only I had spoken to her instead of judging her..

No.. I can't do that.. I would end up hurting her badly.. No I can't do that.. more than I already have.. more than her friends who backstabbed her.. No I can't hurt her more.. She doesn't need to know anything about our past or my past.. we can start fresh.. completely fresh.. no past needed.. but what if she comes to know in a later stage.. she won't.. I will make sure of it!!..

The girl who has been hurt so much because of such accusations can never do the thing I thought she did.. Maybe she was always my little Aadhu❤️.. my fairy princess❤️.. I just didn't notice.. and didn't understand her properly.. Now is the time Karthik.. rectify your mistake.. start completely afresh with her.. the girl you loved whole heartedly.. unconditionally.. is still in front of you.. now as your wife.. it's not too late..

No matter how much I avoided her.. my heart was never able to avoid her.. it was, is and will always be bound to her❤️.. She has always been a part of my heart ever since she was born.. and there came a time when she owned it without even knowing it.. maybe now is the time she will own it with all rights❤️.. tomorrow morning will be a new beginning for us Aadhu.. with a new ray of hope for a beautiful beginning..

He smiles looking at her photo which was in his wallet. He hears her calling him "Karthik.. I need help..", he goes out of his room to help her. She was in the kitchen trying to get something from a shelf high above her, he looks at her smiling "Yes Aadhu..", she looks at the shelf and turns towards him "Can you remove th....". Her words get stuck in her throat as he stands shirtless in front her.

He keeps looking at her expecting her to say something as she keeps opening and closing her mouth without saying anything, what happened to her.. why is she not saying anything. He moves closer to her and holds her shoulder "What happened Aadhira", she tries to bring out words from her mouth but her eyes keep roaming over his body and her words weren't coming out of her mouth.

After a lot of trying she peels her eyes away from him body and keeps looking elsewhere "Ummm.. I.. I..". Karthik holds her chin and turns her towards himself "What happened Aadhira", she closes her eyes instead of looking at him. Karthik looks at her amused "What are you doing Aadhu.. why are you closing your eyes.. open your eyes..", she shakes her head indicating a 'No'.

He was surprised "Why won't you open your eyes", she keeps her eyes closed and quickly says "Go wear something and come". He looks at her confused "What", she opens her eyes for a second and closes them back and says in a meek voice "Go wear a shirt". He looks at himself and realises that as soon as he heard Aadhira calling him he had come out forgetting that he hadn't worn a shirt.

He chuckles and goes inside his room to wear a t-shirt and comes back. Aadhira was in the kitchen trying to take flour from the high shelf, Karthik moves closer to her, he stands right behind her and reaches up to take the packet of flour. She stiffens once she senses Karthik's presence behind her, his hand trails over her arm with a feather like touch making her heart jump into her throat.

She thinks of escaping but he puts his hand of her other side blocking her path. Blood rushes to her cheeks making her turn a bright shade of red. He takes out the flour from the shelf and steps away from her, she turns towards him and forwards her hand for him to handover the flour packet. She keeps looking everywhere but at him, Karthik keeps smiling looking at her and holds it away from her.

She looks towards him trying to hide his blush "Give it na..", he looks at her "Ask nicely Aadhu". She glares at him "Give it Karthik", he shakes his head chuckling. She rolls her eyes and steps forward to take it away from him, she pulls it towards herself while he pulls it away. They both keep doing it repeatedly, the packet ends up breaking and spilling on both of them and on the floor.

Aadhira shoots glares at Karthik "What the.. see what you did.. you are making me change for the third time..", Karthik looks elsewhere trying to avoid her glares and acts as if he didn't do anything "Aree I didn't do anything.. you only pulled it.. see na even I have to change". She continues shooting glares at him "Uhhh.. you only make dinner.. idiot.. I'm going".

She walks towards her room while he follows behind her "Aadhira if I make dinner you won't be able to digest it.. I won't be able to digest it.. nor do I want to risk our lives by cooking.. so you know let's order..". She turns towards him and shoots a look at him "Do whatever you want", he chuckles looking at her as some of flour had fallen on her nose.

He holds her hand stopping her, she looks at him with a 'what now' look, he steps closer to her and wipes her nose with his hand. Her face again turns a shade of crimson, she looks away from him and goes inside her room. Karthik smiles, he orders food and he too goes to change his clothes. Once the food arrives they both have their food in silence stealing glances at eachother and go to bed.

The next morning, Karthik and Aadhira wake up as usual, Karthik does his daily yoga routine while Aadhira goes on her daily walk along with Olivia. Aadhira comes back from her walk and goes to make coffee for Karthik and herself when she sees a cup of coffee already waiting for her.

She was surprised to see the coffee, she looks around to find Karthik or Jenny but it was still not the time when Jenny arrives, so it had to be Karthik. She lifts the cup in her hand and finds a note below it saying

"Good Morning Aadhira..
I hope you will like the coffee"

She smiles looking at it and looks towards his room door which was slightly open. She takes a sip of the coffee, she smiles as it was just the way she liked it, not too strong nor too thin, well he can make hot chocolate and coffee.. and he made it for me today❤️. She brings a pen and writes down

"Thank you for the coffee..
It was drinkable 😋.."

She goes inside her room to freshen up and get ready. She comes out after getting ready in a jeans and a shirt for her first day. She goes to make breakfast, she sees Jenny already there cleaning the place and sees that the sticky is not there. She turns towards Jenny "Jenny was there any note here..", she shakes her head and Aadhira nods thinking Karthik must have taken it.

She starts to prepare breakfast, she makes paniyaram (a delicacy made with leftover idly/dosa batter adding onions and spices). She sees Karthik coming out his room after getting ready as she keeps cooking. He would usually come in the kitchen and take their plates and glasses and put it in the dining table while Aadhira cooked.

Today also he comes into the kitchen and takes plates and glasses as usual and goes to the dining table. She goes and serves the breakfast on his plate and goes back to make new ones. She makes some for herself and brings it back, he had still not touched it, she looks at him thinking maybe he doesn't like it as he would usually start eating as soon as she serves him. She looks at him wondering "You don't like it?", he smiles "I like it.. it is eatable.. I was waiting for you..", her heart leaps in joy hearing him.

She keeps looking at him without eating, he looks at her stuffing his mouth with paniyaram "Eat fast even you have to go to the hotel.. if you haven't forgotten". She nods and starts eating, Indeed something changed between us yesterday❤️.. I hope every morning is beautiful like this from now on❤️..

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