Chapter 49

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Karthik goes back to his room after Aadhira shuts the door on his face. He changes into tracks and t-shirt, he goes to the kitchen thinking he will make something for Aadhira. He opens YouTube, checks how to make chocolate pudding as that was her favourite.

He takes out all the needed ingredients from the kitchen cupboards. He starts following the instructions given in the video and making the chocolate pudding. He looks at the end result in the video which looked lovely in the video while his one looked like an icky goop. He tastes a little bit of it, it was too bad that he ends up spitting it out.

He hits his head, Can you ever cook Karthik.. no cooking is not your area.. so do something which you can.. instead of messing up the kitchen and making her more angry. He throws the icky goop that he made into the dustbin and makes hot chocolate instead.

He writes sorry with cocoa powder on the hot chocolate. He smiles looking at it and goes to her room and knocks on the door. She opens the door, she had changed into her pajamas and worn an woollen jacket over it due to the cold weather. She looks at Karthik who was smiling and standing there holding a cup towards her.

She looks at cup and then back at him, she just ignores him and moves towards the kitchen. She sees the condition of the kitchen and turns towards Karthik and glares at him "What the hell have you done to the kitchen". He smiles sheepishly and rubs his nape "I tried to make your favourite chocolate pudding but it turned into an icky goop.. so I threw it away".

She glares at him and starts cleaning the kitchen, she mutters to herself "When you can't do something why even attempt.. Huh! Should have understood that this can never happen and not even tried.. instead of trying and getting false hopes". He walks towards her and holds her hand "Aadhu I'm sorry".

She takes her hand from his hold "Leave me Karthik.. I don't need your sorry.. and why are you even saying sorry.. I'm no one to you.. you don't need to say sorry to me..". He looks at her "I know you are very angry and you are also hurt.. you can tell me whatever you want to.. but I will keep telling you sorry until you forgive me.. I was an idiot that day.. biggest aashole..

You are not a no one to me Aadhu.. you are everything to me.. please listen to me once..". She looks away from him as his eyes keep pleading her to forgive him. He tries to hold her hand but she jerks him away, her eyes blazing red with anger "I'm not a doll.. I told you this time and again.. stop it.. I already made a mistake of letting myself fall for you.. dreaming of a love life with you..

But you didn't care.. one day you will be like I'm everything you need.. then you will come and tell me you don't need me at all.. Huh!! You think I don't have feelings.. I don't have a heart.. you keep thinking that she is a doll whenever I want I can play with her and when I want I can throw it away.. she won't say anything.. but I'm not a doll!! I too have a heart.. which you shattered.. I too have feelings.. which you just didn't care about..

Most importantly I have self respect.. so get it through your brain Dr.Karthik Reddy.. this whatever was between us died that day.. and it will never start again.. ever.. I won't let it.. let us be as we had decided in the first.. housemates.. nothing else!!". Her eyes keep blazing yet pouring fresh hot tears, his eyes too well up hearing her and seeing her tears.

He moves forward to wipe her tears, but she steps back and swats his hand away. Aadhira wipes her tears and looks at Karthik "Let me cook.. please leave from the kitchen.. I don't have anything to talk to you". He keeps looking at her "I'm sorry Aadhu.. I really am.. I won't rest until you forgive me.. and you become ready to give our relationship a chance again.."

She just shakes her head and starts making dinner. Karthik sits in the living room thinking what to do to convince Aadhira, his mind goes back to the time when she was angry on him for not sharing his chocolates when they were kids,

Flashback begins..

Karthik had got chocolates from his classmate as it was his classmate's birthday. He eats the chocolate in school itself along with his friends. His mom and dad were out of town at the time so he was staying at Aadhira's home. He runs inside once the school bus drops him home. Yashoda was waiting for him along with 2.5 year old Aadhira sleeping on her lap holding her penguin, she smiles looking at him "Karthi.. come come.. go change and come.. I will bring snacks for you..".

He puts his bag on the sofa and goes inside the room to change his uniform and freshen up. When he comes back he sees Aadhira sitting with a puffed face crossing her little arms over her chest. Karthik goes near her, she just turns her face away from him as he goes and stands in front of her. He sits down on the sofa next to her "What happened Aadhu.. look at me na", she keeps her face puffed and looks away from him.

He holds her face and turns her towards himself "Areee tell me na what happened..", she opens her little fist and shows the chocolate cover to him which she had taken from his bag "Cheate Kalthi.. you ate choco". He smiles looking at her "Ohhh that's why you are angry", she again turns away from him puffing her face "I no talk". He chuckles looking at her "Okay fine.. Aadhu does not want to talk to me so I will have this chocolate all by myself.."

Aadhira turns towards him as soon as she hears 'chocolate' from him. She jumps close to him "Choco", he acts as if he didn't hear her and keeps facing the other side "Hmm no problem I can have the whole chocolate.. more chocolate for me..". He takes out another chocolate from his pocket, she jumps on him, pushing him down on the sofa trying to grab the chocolate from him.

She sits on his stomach and grabs the chocolate from him, after which she shows her tongue to him giggling😛 "Aadhu choco.. no choco for Kalthi..". He chuckles "Will you get up now.. or you want to crush me like you crush rocks by jumping on them". She giggles again opening the chocolate wrapper still sitting on him "Punishment Kalthi".

She keeps sitting on his stomach chuckling, her mom soon comes with snacks and sees Aadhira sitting on Karthik. She looks at Aadhira surprised "Aadhu what is this.. what are you doing.. get up", Aadhira giggles "No Mumma.. Kalthi punishment..". Her mom goes to her and lifts her off from Karthik, she keeps shaking her legs making loud 'gal gal' sound from her anklets "Mumma.. Kalthi.. Kalthi".

Her mom makes her sit next to Karthik "Be a good girl and sit next to him". She continues to eat the chocolate turning away from Karthik, her mom looks at her "Aadhu share it.. Karthik only gave it right.. share it with him". She shakes her head "No.. Cheate Kalthi.. he ate choco sheee", she shows the empty chocolate wrapper. Karthik chuckles looking at her while her mom shakes her head "Tantrum queen.. I don't understand how you even bear this girl Karthik".

Karthik chuckles, she almost completes eating the chocolate and turns to him with the last bite and forwards it to him "Kalthiii". He looks at her smiling "Yes Aadhu", she forwards the last bite to him and feeds it to him. He smiles and eats it, she grins looking at him "Aadhu good gal", he nods smiling "Yes yes very good girl".

Flashback ends..

He smiles thinking, convincing her was so easy back then.. I wish we both were still like that.. then there wouldn't have been any problems.. neither would I have misunderstood her.. nor would I have spoken something stupid.. nor would there be any problems between us.. how can I convince her now.. apologise to her and get her to forgive me..

I wish Aadhu.. I really wish I could confess everything to you.. I wish our relationship was really simple.. it was simple I guess.. until I decided to complicate it.. first I need to tear that so called conditions I made her sign.. not just tear.. burn them down.. then there wouldn't be any sign of them.. It's only Aadhu who I want in my life..

Whatever I felt for Navya was just my way of distracting myself from Aadhira.. Aadhu I will not let you go at any cost now.. you were, are and will always be my Aadhu.. I will do whatever it takes to convince you.. no matter how long I have to wait.. I will.. I will not ruin anything with my stupidity anymore.. I promise you that Aadhu..

He goes back inside the kitchen and hugs her from behind, she gets startled and stays without reacting letting him hug her for a few seconds. She feels drops of water trickling down her neck and pulls herself away from him and turns towards him "What are you doing". He looks at her "I won't let you go Aadhu.. I won't.. ever!!.. you don't know what you mean to me.. I will show you how much important you are to me.. I will.."

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