Chapter Twenty: February 1st

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"Vincent! Vincent, I have news," Quinn exclaimed as they burst into the art classroom in the late afternoon.

Vincent was sitting in the windowsill next to Hannah, apparently in the middle of a story that, from what Quinn had overheard in the corridor, revolved around how you took the people you loved everywhere with you even when they weren't really there. At Quinn's entrance, he broke off abruptly. "What?"

"You're going over," Quinn panted, their voice trembling slightly with giddiness. "Vincent, you're going to the other side tonight."

"What? D-did you manage to find so—"

"I didn't have to. I talked to my grandma on the phone earlier. There's another way."

Vincent stared blindly at nothing as he processed. Finally, the complete disbelief on his face morphed into cautious hope and a desire so raw it hurt to look at. "You really think it'll work?"

For the first time, Quinn's certainty was one hundred percent real. "I do."


The others were already waiting on the path that led into the forest when Quinn arrived. It was an odd assembly; the entire Greenbrook family, their green and brown dresses almost blending in with the trees; Joy and Jun standing with Caleb and Josie, their expressions all different stages of anticipation; Valerie toying idly with a small flame she was passing from one hand into the other; and Luis, shifting uneasily from one foot onto the other as he tried to avoid Deloris's penetrating gaze.

Upon Quinn's arrival, all of them perked up and it set in that they were the reason all of them were gathered. All of them were here either to help them or be helped by them. All they'd had to do, this entire time, had been to ask.

Their combined attention was a heady sensation, but for once, Quinn couldn't find any fear in themself.

"Shall we?" they asked.

The others stepped aside, clearing a path for them. Quinn passed through it and led them into the darkness, Vincent on one side, Luis on the other, the narrow trail ahead lit by nothing but the moon and the gentle flickering of Valerie's fire.

After a few moments, the silent procession reached the lake. It was the first time Quinn was willingly inviting most of them into their space, this sanctuary that had found them more than they had found it, but somehow, it didn't feel invasive. It felt right to let them into this part of themself, voluntarily and on their own terms.

The water murmured its quiet greeting when Quinn halted a few feet away from it and turned around.

"I can't promise that this ritual will work." They looked from one face to another. "But I promise that I will try everything I can. And I... I want to thank you for trusting me with this, and for helping me. Really."

The witches nodded solemnly.

"I'll need a circle," Quinn said. "Can you..."

They were moving before they even had to finish their sentence. The seven women spread around them in a wide ring, dresses rustling against the tall grass, jewelry clinking as they reached out and took each others' hands. Only one gap, the one between Rhia and Valerie, remained intentionally open.

"Come in," Quinn said, gesturing for the ghosts to join them inside. Hannah was clinging to Vincent's hand, looking apprehensive. Valerie shivered slightly when her dress brushed against her leg but didn't move.

Luis stepped into the circle slowly. Quinn could tell it wasn't because he was scared or weirded out; he was anxious, his hands fidgeting at his sides, his eyes darting around without meeting anyone else's. "Are you sure I should be here?" he quietly asked when he came to a halt in front of them. "I... I don't think I can really help with any—"

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