Chapter 14

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The internet went wild on seeing the post from BTS' official Twitter account which Taehyung had used to post his apology to both Jungkook and Jimin, mentioning his actions just as their manager had told him to do.

Now he had tears in his eyes, writing down the letter for his resignation under breach of contract, also having a civil lawsuit filed against him. Jin patted his shoulder, keeping the paper away as their manager showed no emotions and handed him the tickets to go back to his hometown. 

Taehyung broke into a sob as it was dated for the next day following, giving almost no time to apologise to his two boys in person. The manager had left right after providing the tickets, saying nothing anymore.

Namjoon stared at the ticket, biting his lip as a twar dropped from his eyes too while the rest of the members were already crying. He grabbed his keys, pulling Taehyung up and wiped his tears, "Don't cry, BTS will be seven again, nobody can break us, not even ourselves." His voice came out as a whisper of assurance for the youngest boy, making him choke on his tears as he leaned forward, hugging the leader tightly.

"I don't wanna leave hyung... I won't be able to live without all of you..." He cried, making Hoseok sob harder as he hugged Jin, crying on his shoulder helplessly.

"I'll give my hundred percent to keep us together," Namjoon promised, earning a determined nod from Yoongi too, "You know where Jimin lives right?"

Taehyung nodded slowly, seeing the elder smiling and followed him out of the conference room where just the five of them were present. The boys headed outside, taking Yoongi's car for the label's vehicle right now wouldn't be a good option. Yoongi took the drivers seat, following exactly the way Taehyung said would lead them to Jimin's house.

He glanced at the café, telling the elder it wasn't that far from there. Soon they pulled in front a new house in a much quieter part of the city. They followed Taehyung out who wiped his tears and took a deep breath, gesturing the elders to go first for Jimin and Jungkook, might just end up getting mad on seeing him back again.

"Relax, I'm sure they'll talk to us." Jin assured, patting Taehyung's back on noticing him staring at the door with tensed eyes, almost on the verge of breaking.

Yoongi pressed the doorbell, waiting for someone to open the door. However instead of meeting Jimin at the door, they heard a loud cackle from the backyard. Taehyung gasped at the voice, turning to look at the side and soon heard Jimin's voice laughing along with the baby's.

The boys exchanged glances, nodding as they head in that direction instead and finally see it's their former member playing with his daughter. He kicked the ball lightly, while the baby waddled after, trying to take it from him. Jimin laughed and kicked it a little farther, letting Evie go and bring it back, although he ended up scrunching his face when the daughter fell down on the grass, pouting as she stared at her hands, sitting on the bare ground.

"Get up, princess." He smiled, "bring the ball, don't you wanna win?"

Evie babbled something and he shook his head, stepping towards the ball, "Fine, daddy will take it and win the game." He said, showing her the ball and holds it above her height, making her stand up to reach for it.

"ball!" Evie shrieked, staring up at the yellow colored plastic ball with her arms raised up, above her head. Jimin smiled and gave it to her, letting her play again as she had forgotten about falling down.

"Jimin," Namjoon called softly, earning a glance from Jimin. His smile died for a moment and brows scrunched together, staring at the five faces with confusion.

He arched his brow, "Why are you here? What if someone sees you! Gosh!" He hissed, opening the glassdoor from the backyard and motioned his hand for the members to get inside. "Now what? I don't wanna say this, but Jungkook wouldn't like y'all being here. So just tell me what is it real fast and get going."

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