Chapter 19 [The End]

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"good luck, mr park," nia smiled, holding his daughter as she stepped back and evie waved at her father, squealing as it was still the first time she was seeing him wearing all glittery and attractive clothes just like the rest six of her uncles.

jimin smiled at her waving at the baby and took a deep breath, his eyes holding some tears in the fear of the huge possibility that everything might just crash down and the group could recieve a tremendous backlash. the members had gathered around him, making a circle just like the old days and hold their hands in the center.

"bang bangtan!" the leader said.

"bangtan!" the members chorused together, riling up jimin's anxeity to a great extent where he went back to questioning his decision of returning back into bts.

"ready jimin?" jin asked, rubbing the said member's back and smiled.

"no," jimin shook his head, killing jin's smile at once, "i don't know... it's a bad idea..."

"it's not, don't think too much." the elder assured, hugging jimin and patted his back, "you trust us right?"

"more than myself,"

"then it's not a bad idea," jin smiled, "let's go,"

"yes, a lot of people missed you," taehyung nodded with a grin, holding his best friend's hand and pulled him with the maknae. "we're gonna killed it!"

"yes!" jungkook cheered, hugging jimin and taehyung together, "evie's cheering for us too, we're definitely gonna do great!"

jimin smiled at them, unable to thank them yet as it was already time to get on the stage and perform once again for their beloved fans. the cheers intensified and the beads of sweat on jimin's forehead too. making their way into their position in the dark, jimin felt a hand on the back of his neck, giving a gentle massage briefly, "don't worry hyung, we're all with you,"

jimin smiled at the voice of the maknae, nodding his head and adjusted his mic, standing at the back according to the first formation. the lights turned on and the fans started screaming on top of their lungs, chanting their names and the group's name, until the music started playing and the boys parted ways giving the audience a good view of their seventh member which was once missing.

the crowd felt quiet for a moment, arising a deep fear inside jimin and the rest of the members, though it was covered with even louder cheers, sending chills down jimin's body as he could now hear his name too in the fanchants.


the performance went well and jimin was happy hearing the fans' voice again after a long time. he missed these heartfelt cheers and performances for his fans. the boys gather in a line in the center of the stage, drinking some water and smile at the audience who mostly looked confused for most artists don't stay back to talk with the fans unless it's a fansign or a similar event.

"2, 3, hello we are," namjoon started, "bts," the boys bowed with him, smiling at the fans.

"today's a special day, as you can see we have our member back... jimin," he said, glancing at jimin who smiled briefly, looking down, "a lot happened in the last few months which you all didn't know. it was for personal reasons that some of us took big decisions and messed some things, worked to get ourselves back together. it's a been very... hard,"

"yes," yoongi nodded, "and today on our first show of our new single and the following album, we want you all to listen to us- to listen to what all happened and why we did somethings,"

namjoon patted jimin's back, getting a nod from him as he took a deep breath and smiled, "hellow army, long time... i'll start with saying sorry," he said, "i'm really sorry for leaving like that, even my members didn't like the decision... a lot of you were concerned too, some were mad, some were upset with me, some left the fandom and some... well, i don't know. but i guess today, i'm gonna tell you what made me come to such a difficult decision. it wasn't easy for me at all, the boys i call my family- y'know leaving them, my fans, everything. it was hard.

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