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The voice of the car door closing made Sona sniffle a bit loud as her heart realized that it was finally time. Sure, her marriage preparation has begun 1 month ago but Sona never really realized the gravity of the situation. Leaving everything she has ever known, no matter if it was her father's medicine place or where her mother's special favorite spatula was kept, Sona was the one who remembered every single thing's position in her house. But all this now will be changed. She will start living in a house about which she knows nothing about. She will have people who are strangers to her but she would be politely forced to call them her mom and dad.

This was what her brain was telling but her heart strongly disagreed. Her heart told her about the beauty of a woman's life. From the power of forming a relationship between two unknown families to starting a new family with an unknown man. She forms a bond with a man, gives him everything inside of her, and showers him and his family with happiness and joy every chance she gets. She knits the family in a strong bond, slowly but surely she starts forming unbreakable bonds with the once unknown strangers to her. She gives everyone a new life, not in the sense of bringing a new life to existence but in the sense of bringing life to the already existing people, and hence, it has been greatly and rightly said that daughters symbolize light, when unmarried, the daughter baths her home in the light of her presence and once married she brings the light from her home to her new house which soon becomes her home.

A woman is the epitome of sacrifice. People often question the reasoning behind the woman as the only one sacrificing. They ask questions. Questions such as why does a woman have to leave her house and why can't it be the other way around? There could be lots of answers to these questions but the first and foremost that comes to the front is that if the woman makes sacrifices then the man also stands right beside her in those sacrifices. If the woman gets the responsibility of a whole new family, the man also gets the responsibility of a new person, his person's happiness and well-being. The man also has to become used to giving priority to now not only his comforts and happiness but also to his wife's comforts and joys. This question can be twisted in any way to give any one of the genders all the credits for the efforts of successful arrange marriages but the truth has always been that both the man and wife in the relationship is equal.

But this wasn't what Sona and Devasya's martial life would be, if you can even call it a martial life. They are gonna be roommates no more than that. They haven't really discussed anything further than this though, after that meeting in the hotel which lasted for 20 minutes, they both went their own ways. After that fateful day, Sona got busy with her exams and assignments, and Devasya's time was taken up by the meetings he held for his startup.

January's cold breeze flew into the car causing Sona to shiver and rub her hands for some warmth. Devasya noticed Sona shivering from the corner of his eye and thought of asking her to pick up a shawl from the backseat when he heard his phone's notification go off. With all thoughts of Sona out of his mind after seeing the important message from his assistant, Devasya got busy sorting the work-related errors that came with his absence today.

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