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Start Listening to the song from where the lyrics are written, if you wanna feel the feeeeeelzzzzz.


"Devasya! What's wrong with you? Ugh, Leave me alone yaar please!" Sona growled out loudly. Currently, Devasya was hanging onto her like a Koala, not ready to leave her alone so that she could do some work, at first Sona found it cute but now Sona is annoyed and irritated beyond measures, Why? because it's been 2 days of same behaviour!

Sona blew her bangs away from her face in annoyance. Two days. Two whole days of not being able to get any reports or work done. Two days! And Mr. Devasya? Oh don't worry, he did all his work alright. When? When she is asleep of course.


And now too, her husband continued to tug her towards the bed. All fight left Sona's body and she allowed her husband to pull her back under the covers. It was 4 in the morning, where Sona thought, keyword: thought, she could get some work done while her husband sleeps. But no! Her husband woke up right as she came after freshening up. And now here she lies, under the thick quilt, beside her husband, very deeply annoyed.

Devasya pushed his face into Sona's neck and sighed. Wounding his arms around her waist, he clinged onto her desperately. Sona frowned, for the love of the lord, she could not understand what has gotten into him. Why is he being so clingy? Sona sighed and slid down to be able to see Devasya's face. When his eyes came into view, Sona could see the dark rings under his eyes, his chapped lips and his rough beard. What was wrong? Sona couldn't understand, not when even after asking, Devasya dismisses her concern off.

Sona pushed her hand onto his hair making Devaysa sigh.

"Devasya" Sona called out to her husband quietly.


"What's wrong babes?"

"Nothing is wrong Sona. Sleep. I am sleepy."

Sona rolled her eyes at being dismissed yet again. She pulled Devasya's hair harshly, making him hiss loudly.

"What the hell?" Devasya gasped looking at Sona.


Devasya's lips formed a straight line and his eyes dropped.

"Two days ago, you received a message" Devasya started out slowly.

"The message was from your colleague. Your college has given out a list for all the students who would go to the postings near Jammu, because of the recent terrorist attacks that has happened there, they need helping hands. Your college comes in top best 5 medical colleges in India, hence they have asked for volunteers from you college. And, I am scared. Please don't go Sona, please."

Sona's eyebrows furrowed. Jammu? volunteers? She could vaguely remember her teachers talking about the attack and some volunteering to take place, but Sona thought it would mainly be the doctors that has been working in the hospital unit, not the interns.

"Where is my phone?" Sona cursed herself for not being a phone person, god knows what would happen if her teachers decided she was so irresponsible who can't reply to a single text message even. It doesn't help that the last two days were Saturday and Sunday, where she was at home. Oh God.

Devasya observed the changing emotions on his wife's face, he felt guilty but he also didn't want her to go, especially with the possibility that she could get hurt. Nonetheless, he pulled out her phone from the drawer and gave it to her.

Sona pushed away from Devaysa, quickly opening up her Whatsapp only to notice the flood of messages there. Sona was the best at what she did. Hence the popularity.

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