Chapter 4 - A Luthor and a Super

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Alex wasn't sure if she should do this, and if she had any other choice she would never have gone after Kara, not at that moment that she knew was so important in her sister's life.

"Kara?" Alex knocked lightly on Kara's apartment door. "Kara, sorry to interrupt, but we kind of need your help."

Kara caressed Lena's face and smiled, turning her face to the door.

"Come in, Alex... it's unlocked."

Alex walked in slowly, a little shyly. The least she wanted was to interrupt her sister in her crucial conversation with Lena. And, by the way, she also didn't want to have the lifelong trauma of catching an intimate moment between Kara and Lena. She looked from one to the other with an apologetic smirk, then realized that Kara had let her hair down and removed her glasses. Alex deduced that her sister had already revealed herself and that she would have no problem telling Kara why she was there at that inopportune moment.

"I see Lena already knows everything." She saw Kara nod. "Fine, I don't need to make up a little story."

Lena lowered her face and laughed. How many times have the sisters had to invent something to explain Kara's absences to protect Kara's identity?

"We were on the terrace when we heard a small explosion coming from the harbor area. A fire started and we saw several fire trucks with sirens on heading in that direction. I'm amazed you didn't hear, Kara..." Alex looked from Kara to Lena and back to his sister. "Actually, it doesn't surprise me at all."

Kara and Lena smiled flushed on the couch.

"We thought the firefighters would handle it, we wouldn't need to call you. But the fire has gotten bigger, it's out of control. More cars and helicopters are heading that way every minute. I don't think they're handling it on their own." Alex said.

Kara got up from the couch and looked at Lena. It would be the first time she would do that after revealing herself to Lena. She went to the bedroom to change outfits and was back in less than two seconds, already dressed as Supergirl, under Lena's amazed gaze.

"The duty calls." Lena said smiling at Kara.

"Day and night." Kara smiled at Lena. "I'll be right back."

Kissing Lena on the cheek, she flew out the window. As soon as she left, Lena approached Alex, the two of them now looking out the window where Kara had left, seeing only the flash caused by the fire on the city skyline.

"Apparently you and Sam have been talking." Lena said.

"About what?" Alex asked.

"About your new role." Laughing at the confusion in Alex's eyes, she continued. "Cupids."

Alex threw his head back laughing before speaking.

"Do you mean that Sam also took the blindfold off your eyes? Sam is smart, knows things, she is perceptive. I even suspect that maybe she has already discovered that Kara is Supergirl too..." Alex laughed. "But it's also not necessary to be a genius to see that you and Kara have had feelings for each other beyond friendship. Maybe even Ruby has noticed that."

"Look at that, even your two speeches are lined up! She told me the exact same thing! This is a stunt."

"And I'll slap my face if you didn't like that stunt, Luthor."

She looked pleased to see Lena blush and lower her face smiling.

"It was a happy coincidence that Sam and I spoke to you both on the same day, it was nothing planned. Really. We just gave it a little push. In my case, I almost had to shake Kara, because despite all her powers, super hearing , x-ray vision and all that, she sometimes doesn't see what's in front of her nose. Kara has a pure heart, no malice, can often be naive and innocent like a child." Alex said.

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